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Fortunate are the people who find themselves in situations where their bosses are demanding of them. I say this in all seriousness and for several reasons. At the outset, I want to caution you: this article is not for the faint of heart. It’s for individuals who take their careers and lives seriously. You have chosen to be part of the working world and put the futures of individuals and companies on the line based on the quality of your skills. So it’s time you faced some cold, hard truths.
When I was younger, I attended a very demanding private high school. I also took the hardest classes I could. Most of my former classmates are quite successful today, leading in the professions of law, medicine, and other pursuits. I remember when I was in high school, I was working almost every school night until 12:30 or 1:00 a.m. on homework. I also remember being just an above average student and getting tons of criticism from my teachers. My writing was good but could be better. I needed to be more punctual about arriving for practice. When I did math problems, I needed to spell out the proofs of each problem more carefully. I needed to do this. I did that poorly. I should spend more time reviewing the punctuation before turning in my Spanish homework.
In retrospect, I know all of these criticisms were about things that were true. At the time, I think what I did is something we all do. Instead of making sure I was accountable for every error, I found fault with the teachers and coaches who criticized me, even looking for reasons to find fault with them personally. I even complained about my school and teachers to other students, trying to make them see these criticisms of me were totally unjustified. When we don’t like what we hear, we often attack the messenger, don’t we? This is perfectly normal.
When I went to college, I was still somewhat angry with my high school but took everything in stride. I didn’t change anything I was doing in terms of studying and continued working hard in all my classes. A mere three years after graduating from high school, I remember being informed by my college (a top-ten college) that I had been nominated by the school for a Rhodes Scholarship because my grades were so good. I remember being very surprised when the school told me they had only nominated four or five students for this award–I still thought of myself as an average student. College had been much easier for me than high school.
What I realized then, and understand now is when the bar is raised for people, those who try to jump over it get stronger. You often become so strong you don’t even know it until you are competing in another field. The high school I went to was training its students to “go to the Olympics,” both academically and in life. I simply didn’t know it at the time.
Up until a few years ago, I used to stop at a gas station to get some coffee each morning on my way to work. The gas station was near a public high school in Los Angeles, and the owner spent a lot of time defending his gas station against kids trying to steal this or that from his store. In addition, kids were always loitering outside the gas station, smoking cigarettes, passing unseen items between their hands, and making lots of noise. If I happened to drive by that gas station later in the day, kids from the high school were still horsing around and up to no good when they probably should’ve been in class.
I don’t need to wonder–because I already knew the answer–if the teachers of these students were always waiting in the wings with one criticism or another of their student’s work. I would venture to say the teachers probably never went so far as to hover over these students and make sure they were doing their best. I doubt any of these students went to top colleges, and I am pretty confident none of them will ever be nominated for Rhodes Scholarships.
I am also 100-percent confident that each of those students, if placed in the right environment, would be capable of great things. The right environment would encourage these students and would also raise expectations of them. What we believe we can do is very important. What I’m willing to bet, though, is that no one had much hope for these high school students hanging out in front of the gas station. Because no one had any hope for them, I knew nothing good would happen to them.
What would’ve happened to these students if someone had set goals for them and made them accountable?
There are very few people in our lives who will believe in us. For most people, taking the time to give someone honest appraisal is not a fun thing to do. People simply don’t enjoy being criticized and criticizing others is not a great way to make friends. There are also very few people who are willing to work hard to better themselves and overcome criticism. The people who can improve in response to criticism are the strongest people of all.
Certainly, no one is perfect right out of law school, and anyone who disagrees is mistaken. I remember when I was a summer associate in a New York law firm and the firm gave me a stinging review that scared the pants off me. I couldn’t believe it. I also remember speaking with the associates in the firm about their reviews at a big dinner. While I didn’t speak with all of them, roughly half said they had received good reviews, and the other half willingly admitted their reviews were poor. At the end of the summer, the strangest thing happened: the people who had supposedly gotten good reviews didn’t get offers, and the ones who had received the poor reviews did. This was in the mid-1990s, when the legal economy was in shambles!
When a class of associates joins a law firm, it’s likely only one or two of them will still be there when it comes time to make partners. This could be one or two people out of a class of 75. The truth is that the 73 or 74 out of 75 people who are no longer there:
” not because they have been fired,
” not because the firm is a horrible place,
” not because one partner is unfair,
” not because the firm doesn’t have opportunities available,
” not because working in-house is better,
” not because they have always dreamed of doing other things outside the law, and
” not because the work is boring.
The reason most of these people leave is they don’t want to–or cannot–change in response to criticism. It’s very difficult for most people to confront their weaknesses. Most people choose to go through life not confronting their weaknesses, and this is fine. However, those who do are the ones who achieve great things.
One of the biggest problems law firms encounter when hiring new attorneys is that most new attorneys believe they are special. Having attended law school and been admitted to the bar, many of these attorneys expect their first employers to do a lot of ego-stroking, telling them what good attorneys they are and how unique they are. I have seen this happen on more occasions than I can count.
There is nothing wrong with this attitude. It only becomes a problem when the attorney or law student is not strong enough to accept criticism. Unfortunately, law schools, colleges, and others do not prepare budding attorneys for the criticism they will eventually face, and they often cannot handle it. Yet taking criticism is a perfectly normal part of becoming a functioning attorney.
When I was practicing law, I often had opportunities to go up against more experienced attorneys, several of whom had been practicing 30 or more years longer than I. I never lost a case against one of these attorneys. However, because I was young and just starting out, the cases were never that complex and my opponents not all that formidable. In these cases, I went up against attorneys from small law firms that did not have particularly good reputations. The difference between the work I did and the work these attorneys did was profound. Their work would typically be littered with typos. Their legal arguments would often be poorly thought-out and just plain wrong. I knew in almost all cases the work these attorneys produced would not even come close to getting out the door at the law firms where I practiced.
When you consider this example, you should realize it does not differ from the example of my high school and their established standards. Contrast a first-rate, demanding high school with a poor one. Contrast a good law firm with a poor one. The difference between first-rate organizations and poor ones–and the people they produce–often comes down to two concepts:
The levels of accountability and standards of performance an organization has for its people make a huge difference in the final quality of what is produced by that organization. The more accountable the organization holds the people in it, the better the organization. The better the organization, the higher the work standards of its employees and the better they will do, no matter where they find themselves.
I recently read the biography of Jack Welch, former Chief Executive Officer of General Electric. In this book, Welch spends a lot of time talking about when a company decides to elect a new CEO, there are usually five or six people who are top contenders for the job. The ones who do not get the position typically leave and go on to immediately assume CEO positions in other leading companies in the world. For example, the CEO of Home Depot, Bob Nardelli, is someone who did not make CEO at General Electric and then left to take his current position.
When I first read Welch’s biography, I was struck that the people who lost the fight to become CEO at General Electric left were welcomed as the CEOs of competing companies. It was almost as if failing was a good thing. How could someone who failed in one situation be such a superstar performer elsewhere?
I thought about this for some time, and I realized what it was all about. General Electric is a world-class organization that sets high hurdles for all of its employees. In fact, I have heard that the hurdles that General Electric sets are so high that it simply asks the bottom 10 percent of its performers to leave each year. When people come from a world-class organization that sets high standards, the world knows the organization has molded those people into world-class performers. Again, the situation is no different than it was at my old high school. Because of the demands made on me, I went on to become as good as I was capable of being.
This brings me to an answer for the question, “If my boss gets mad at me or I get a poor review, does this mean I should look for a new job?” In my opinion, the answer is simple: absolutely, positively not. Instead, you should consider yourself blessed. How many of us have opportunities to be pushed to higher levels of performance? How many of us are lucky enough to have bosses and others who care enough to get us to improve ourselves?
The natural reaction to any sort of criticism is to lash out at the person or the organization criticizing you. I think this is a huge mistake. People in the know will pay tens of thousands of dollars for this sort of guidance and to be pushed beyond their current levels of performance. CEOs of many companies will hire coaches for more than $5,000 an hour to criticize them and push them. Olympic athletes of every sort generally have coaches behind them, pushing them every second of the day.
Is your organization competing in the Olympics? Do you want to be in an organization competing at the highest level? Are you willing to compete at the highest level?
The next time an employer gives you criticism or pushes you, remember you have a choice. You can find a group of people who will never find fault with you, like the kids at the substandard Los Angeles public school. You can also choose to practice law with a lousy firm and get beaten by 25-year-old kids when you are a 55-year-old attorney because you never decided to jump over the bar when it was held high for you and never took the advice of those trying to help you.
I would encourage you to compete in the Olympics. The next time someone pushes you to improve yourself, smile, put your head down, and follow his or her advice. The next time you look up, you may find yourself on top. If you are like me, you will find the whole experience quite enlightening, and if you have character, you will realize you can never be more indebted to anyone than to the people who challenged you to be the great person you are.
If your boss gets mad at you or if you get a poor review, you should consider yourself blessed. While few people are willing to work hard to better themselves and overcome criticism, those who do are the strongest and most successful. A demanding boss raises the bar, and forces you to become better and stronger to clear it. You must seek out–rather than avoid–people who challenge you and force you to become greater than you currently are.
About Harrison Barnes
Harrison Barnes is the Founder of BCG Attorney Search and a successful legal recruiter himself. Harrison is extremely committed to and passionate about the profession of legal placement. His firm BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys. BCG Attorney Search works with attorneys to dramatically improve their careers by leaving no stone unturned in a search and bringing out the very best in them. Harrison has placed the leaders of the nation’s top law firms, and countless associates who have gone on to lead the nation’s top law firms. There are very few firms Harrison has not made placements with. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placements attract millions of reads each year. He coaches and consults with law firms about how to dramatically improve their recruiting and retention efforts. His company LawCrossing has been ranked on the Inc. 500 twice. For more information, please visit Harrison Barnes’ bio.
About BCG Attorney Search
BCG Attorney Search matches attorneys and law firms with unparalleled expertise and drive that gets results. Known globally for its success in locating and placing attorneys in law firms of all sizes, BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys in law firms in thousands of different law firms around the country. Unlike other legal placement firms, BCG Attorney Search brings massive resources of over 150 employees to its placement efforts locating positions and opportunities that its competitors simply cannot. Every legal recruiter at BCG Attorney Search is a former successful attorney who attended a top law school, worked in top law firms and brought massive drive and commitment to their work. BCG Attorney Search legal recruiters take your legal career seriously and understand attorneys. For more information, please visit www.BCGSearch.com.
Filed Under : Featured, Finding a Job, Keeping a Job, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World
Tagged: career advice | a harrison barnes, ceo positions, how to find a job, job market, job seeker, legal economy, legal recruiter, looking new job, new job opportunities, poor review, professions of law
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Because no one
had any hope for them, I
knew nothing good would
happen to them.Is your organization
competing in the Olympics?
Do you want to be in an
organization competing at
the highest level?
From my long experience as a technocrat-administrator, I can say that bosses generally push and prod only those employees who have capability to deliver. So such experience should not dishearten good employees. Instead, it should be taken as encouragement to do even better.
Very well expressed. I agree with you, Mr. Barnes, accurate constructive criticism is a valuable tool. The person who is mature enough to pay attention and apply it merits respect. The person who takes the time to observe and offer the suggestions is also to be valued. In my experience, I have always believed that the evaluation process should go both directions – of course offered with respect. Bosses can benefit from that as well. I also believe that appraisals can be inaccurate, and when that is the case, I believe you have a right to make sure the appraisal is corrected. Ultimately, the most important evaluation is the honest self-appraisal.
I think the best way to help that process is by asking questions, and letting others find the answers for themselves. Did you ever engage those kids in conversation or ask them about their dreams? Every person you encounter presents an opportunity for greatness. It takes a special kind of person to be able to see the potential in another, it takes a special gift to help that other person see it in his or herself.
Personally, I never wait for formal evaluations to analyze my performance. When I fall flat on my face, after the humiliation of my humanity, instead of believing I have failed, I say to my self “Ouch” (or some other expletive) “That didn’t work out too well. Next time, I think I will…” We are all works in progress.
Just think how awesome this country would be, and this world for that matter, if we could encourage every child to reach for the bar and become the person they were meant to be? That would sure make your job easier wouldn’t it?
Excellent article entitled “If My Boss Gets Mad at Me or I Get a Poor Review, Does This Mean I Should Look for a New Job?” For the first time since I’ve been at a my current law firm I got a mediocre review. I was told I dropped the ball in one case – I did, and it was my fault because I did not speak up about certain things. I was not up to the task of handling an entire appeal in a patent case. Also, I was told my writing could improve. My initial reaction was that I was going to get fired, and I fretted and did find excuses and criticized those who gave me the bad parts of my review. After some thought, I decided – this isn’t constructive. I hired an executive coach, and then talked to the partner who mentors me to tell him I’d hired an executive coach so that I could learn from my mistakes. He offered to get me a writing coach too. The partner who had criticized my writing is a former two-time Supreme Court clerk, who had just come to the firm from the U.S. Solicitor General’s office. She has extremely high standards. Well, darn it. I am working with a writing coach. I have learned a lot from both the executive and writing coach, and feel much more confident that if I choose to go elsewhere, it’ll be because I wanted to go, and not because I was afraid of criticism. I applaud your article. You are spot on!
I also believe that appraisals can be inaccurate, and when that is the case, I believe you have a right to make sure the appraisal is corrected.I did not speak up about certain things. I was not up to the task of handling an entire appeal in a patent case.I am working with a writing coach.
this isn’t constructive. I hired an executive coach, and then talked to the partner who mentors me to tell him I’d hired an executive coach so that I could learn from my mistakes.That didn’t work out too well. Next time, I think I will…” We are all works in progress.
I admit, I read this article because I was upset about my boss’s criticisms about me. To give you some background information, I’m a college student working as a research aide. My job entails me to follow VERY specific protocol in a neurology lab. Just today, I forgot one part of the protocol, and my boss jumped on it.
I got upset about this. So, I came here, and now I am happy that she criticized me because looking back on this, she was only doing her job. I’m glad I read this article because now I’m not so angry at her criticisms, and actually grateful that she helped me out.
This was a great article to read.
Hi Harrison,
I believe that the best inspiration comes from within. Being provoked to excel from a negative or positive consequence is a fleeting, temporary way to get what you want. While criticism can fuel someone to make a change, in the end, it has to be internalized to be made permanent. For example, if someone criticizes your weight, you might be embarrassed enough to skip dessert. But you won’t be truly inspired to lose weight and be healthy until you realize you can’t do the things you used to.
I read your article and at the beginning I didn’t know where you were heading to, but after a few paragraphs I understood your message, found my myself many times in that position and all I can say is:
It was a inspiration to me, thank you so much. Oswaldo
Good morning and it is wonderful to view your superb articles!
This only applies if I am the boss. Other people may do this just to be a bully. In that case it is false
I respond to people that are positive or encouraging. Constructive suggestions are okay. People that are overly critical or less competent than me are automatically rejected. Someone tried to say they were superior to me when they were not and her attitude was so demotivating that she is being removed. I do not tolerate incompetent people telling me what to do. I know I am the best and I expect appreciation, encouragement, and constructive suggestions. The person who tried to show me she was the boss by being on a power trip will never have any respect from me.
The answer is “it depends.” I only accept constructive suggestions and encouragement given to me in a helpful way. I do not accept feedback from anyone who is less competent, egotistical or who is being abusive in the manner in which it is given. In the case I have described, I would instantly terminate the research administrator and rehire the competent research coordinators. I do not accept anything from someone with mal-intent or who bullies me; their feedback is automatically rejected.
If someone was trying to force me to work with the research administrator (RA) I would ask why? She is not really my superior. I was much more successful and able to add value before she was there. She didn’t really add value, she stole the value I created. If anything I was upset because she made it more difficult for me to do research and the RA was hurtful rather than helpful. The hospital and medical school had a long term loss in value from the RA. If the RA would have been helpful towards me and my research and not triied to steal the value I created I would have a different reaction. I was able to win four awards both at the graduate and professional level and to attrack funding before she interfered. I should be the employer right now with the fruit I created.
Mr. Barnes is describing a perfect world in which the criticism being handed out is competent and given with the intention of motivating and improving someone.
However, in the real world, the criticism is often invalid.
Some of the reasons it might be invalid are:
The person doing the criticizing is:
1. Simply in a bad mood.
2. Is a mean person (intending to wound someone)
3. Jealous
4. Incompetent
I spent 20 years as a military officer and 10 years as a
government contractor. I rarely received competent criticism.
On the rare occasions in which I did, I welcomed it and responded with the intent to improve myself.