• Featured 1 Comment 

    You Need to Be Relevant to Your Employer

    By Jun 17,2024

    In the mortgage industry, many jobs have disappeared. This has put tens of thousands of people out of work. People who lose their jobs in the mortgage industry generally have a couple of options. Frequently, they look for a new job in the same industry, because it’s the industry they know. They do their best to network, and email their resume out to every opening they can find in the mortgage industry. “The job market is really tight,” they will tell you. They may get an occasional interview, but they do not get the job because...

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  • Job Market 19 Comments 

    The Importance of Fitting In

    By Jun 13,2024

    One of the most persistent mistakes people make is not fitting in with their work environments. Fitting in enables you to both get and keep a job. In terms of what it takes to succeed in the long term, fitting in may actually be more important than your skill level. This little-known observation is lost on many people, and overlooking this can result in unhappy and unfulfilled careers. Conversely, being aware of this often results in very happy and fulfilling careers. The problem is that it is often the very best people and those with the best academics...

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  • Goal Setting 1 Comment 

    You Need to Stand for Something

    By May 14,2024

    Today, I read a story in the Washington Post about a girl who recently resigned from West Point and is going to Yale. She resigned from West Point because she is gay and the school will kick her out if it learns that she is gay. Tired of compromising between what she believed was right and wrong, she resigned to protest the policy and be consistent with her own internal compass. When I started reading the story, I immediately thought—she’s probably transferring to Harvard or Yale. Sure enough, it did not surprise me when I learned later...

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  • Finding a Job 11 Comments 

    Give People What They Want

    By Jun 12,2024

    Lately I have been hearing more and more people say that there are no jobs. I hear this so much it is making me angry. There may not be the same number of jobs that there were two years ago; however, there are still jobs. There are actually tons of jobs all over the place. But here is a brief reality check: If you want to make $70,000 a year assembling steering assemblies in an auto plant, there are not as many of these jobs anymore. If you want to work for a newspaper that is losing money, there

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  • How to Succeed 2 Comments 

    Now Is the Best Opportunity You Will Ever Have

    By Jun 14,2024

    Take a moment and look over your shoulder. What do you see? If you look closer, you will realize there is something quite sinister looming there: your own mortality. You are going to die. You might die today, next week, a year from now, or 75 years from now, but you are going to die. It is entirely up to you what you do with your remaining time on this earth. What are you going to do? The terrorist attacks in India over the past few days [November 2008] got me thinking. I travel to India several times a year. In fact,

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Job Market 19 Comments 

The Importance of Fitting In

By Jun 13,2024

One of the most persistent mistakes people make is not fitting in with their work environments. Fitting in enables you to both get and keep a job. In terms of what it takes to succeed in the long term, fitting in may actually be more important than your...

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Goal Setting 1 Comment 

You Need to Stand for Something

By May 14,2024

Today, I read a story in the Washington Post about a girl who recently resigned from West Point and is going to Yale. She resigned from West Point because she is gay and the school will kick her out if it learns that she is gay. Tired of compromising...

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Staying Positive 3 Comments 

Take Small Actions and Meet Others

By May 31,2024

When I was in law school, I was standing in a bar one day and the most beautiful girl I’d seen around campus walked up to me and said: “I’m just wondering why you never come up to me and try to talk to me. Every other guy I see around...

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BCG Attorney Search, founded by Harrison Barnes, leads the legal recruiting industry in placing top associates and partners in premier law firms, bringing a high level of service and commitment to excellence within the legal world. Harrison has been an attorney, legal recruiter, and career coach for over 20 plus years, and it is indeed his passion in life. Read More…

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