your career

your career

You Need to Be Relevant to Your Employer

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In the mortgage industry, many jobs have disappeared. This has put tens of thousands of people out of work. People who lose their jobs in the mortgage industry generally have a couple of options. Frequently, they look for a new job in the same industry,...

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured 1 Comment  

Your Brain and Your Career

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In our job searches and careers, there are a variety of forces that can hold us back. However, in almost every single case, the thing that can hold us back more than anything is ourselves and our own minds. In fact, your brain and what it’s doing–how...

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Filed under Featured, Life Lessons 4 Comments  

Einstein, Visualization, and Your Career

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One of the little-known facts about Albert Einstein is that he attended a school that followed the teaching methods of the Swiss educator Johann Pestalozzi.  Pestalozzi schools taught children in what was known as the Pestalozzi Method (the “Method”). ...

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Filed under Featured, Goal Setting 5 Comments  

Government Bailouts, Groups and Your Career

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Recently, something quite interesting has been happening in the American economy. The government has decided to get involved in running various businesses. These businesses include insurance companies, banks, and automotive companies. This is something...

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Filed under Advancement, Featured, Finding a Job, Keeping a Job, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 6 Comments  

Flow, Your Ego and Your Career

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Aristotle believed that more than anything, we seek to be happy. There are some individuals who do their work and continually find happiness in this work. Work for them takes on a meaning that transcends what most of us experience. These people feel...

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Filed under Advancement, Featured 8 Comments  

The Sun Does Not Always Shine Forever

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One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard was: “The sun does not always shine forever.” I don’t remember who the person was, or even when I heard it, but the words were so powerful I will never forget them. What this meant to me was...

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Filed under Featured, Getting Ahead, How to Succeed 4 Comments  

As Seen on TV, P.T. Barnum, Penis Pills and Your Career

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  I confess that I took no pains to set my enterprising fellow-citizens a better example. I fell in with the world’s way; and if my “puffing” was more persistent, my advertising more audacious, my posters more glaring, my pictures...

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  showing 1-7 of 7  

Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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