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In this article Harrison discusses the role of self-motivation and self management. Self-motivated and self managed people always perform well. In contrast people who are forced to follow massive amounts of procedures and rules can never perform. It is important that our rituals and sense of responsibility is internal, and something we learn to do naturally–not something we only do when it is imposed on us by people on the outside. The best people in every job are self- managed and responsible individuals. Also, the more self-managed people there are working for an organization, the stronger the organization generally is. Instead of creating problems in the workplace, you should seek out responsibilities, and ritualize your work routine. These responsibilities will drive you forward in your daily work, in your career, and in your life.
Your must always strive to create value for your organization, and your organization must in turn strive to add value to the world. Since value comes from teams of individuals rather than any single person, the best companies strive to maximize their staffs’ efficiency. You must also ensure that your company weeds out the employees who do not create value in favor of those who do, and that you belong to the latter group.
When you try to mask or suppress aspects of your personality, those traits will inevitably come to the fore anyway. You need to develop a comprehensive understanding of yourself, including your darker or deeply buried traits; once you know how your dark side limits and controls you, the better you will do in your life and career. Self-discovery will ultimately lead to inner peace, which in turn will enable you to more fully develop your goals.
The number one thing that makes people fail and not reach their potential is competition. If get into an area where there is not much competition and you genuinely have something to offer, you will succeed. Everyone is successful to the extent they are doing something others around them are not that provides value.
Creating a sense of urgency is one of the most important things you can do in your job search. Understand that your career is itself a commodity and you need to sell yourself, and your salesmanship will determine your career success. Creating a sense of urgency will always help you close your sale.
Companies necessarily seek to employ positive, forward-minded people. A firm’s success depends on their employees, and they seek people who will enhance them rather than merely contribute to the bottom line. People with positive natures, who contribute to a healthy social environment, prove essential to the growth and success of their employers.
You can never become too comfortable if you wish to be successful. Your success will largely depend on your ability to become dissatisfied with your current position. Successful people are never satisfied with the status quo, and constantly push beyond their comfort zone. When do you this and succeed, you set a new standard for normality in your life. Be continually dissatisfied, and always pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone.
Resourcefulness can make you better at everything you do, and separates the truly extraordinary people from the general herd. Do everything within your power to be resourceful in your job search, life, and career to give yourself the best possible chance of achieving your goals, and learn how to employ the resources currently at your disposal for maximum impact.
Adopting a positive attitude will always bring you closer to success, as nobody wants to be associated with a losing side. Everyone wants to associate with and hire winners, and avoids losers. Nothing is more important than maintaining a positive attitude, as many employers hire people based primarily on attitude; with the right attitude, everything else will fall into place. You must look like you are on the winning team, even if times are tough; nobody wants to hire a loser.
You can change your life forever by harnessing the power of persistence. Think about the people in your life, and whether they empower you or hinder you in achieving your goals. You must win at all costs, and persist until you succeed.
You will greatly benefit your career by helping and promoting your company’s expansion. A common belief is that expansion is fundamentally positive, and a lack of expansion is fundamentally negative. You must be on the side of expansion rather than contraction in every area of your life. All employers seek people who will help them expand, and the more your ability to contribute to this expansion will provide you increased job security and a greater likelihood of being hired.
Focus on what you are doing, not what others around you are doing. There are people to take action towards their goals, and then there people who sit on the sidelines and comment on the first group of people. People who are mostly interested in gossip and watching others usually lack the confidence and determination to take action themselves. The most successful people go account and accomplish things rather than sit back and watch others make things happen.
Anyone can be up when things are going well, but the real challenge comes when things are not. Do not look at problems, which are inevitable for any person or business, in a negative light; think of them instead as challenges, lessons, or opportunities. There is a silver lining to be found in every problem, and finding that silver lining will enable you to grow.
It is absolutely vital to be in control of your life and career. When you fail to control your life, someone else will step in to do so and fit your life into their plans. Understand that it is in others’ interests to establish control over your life and work, and instead exert control yourself over your life and the events around you.
In this article Harrison explains how you can do better in your career by selling. The most successful people are absolute masters at sales. Selling is among the most important career skills you can have. When you know how to sell something you can do exceptionally well wherever you go. Knowing how to sell something is a key to survival, advancement, fame, and fortune. Everything we do is about making a sale. Selling yourself is about showing others the value you can bring them. So package yourself to the best of your ability, always be at your best and sell yourself. Develop your sales skills and do not be afraid to sell anything. Whatever your goal in life, becoming an effective salesman will help you achieve it.
Your résumé is an extremely important document. There are entire books written about how to craft them. I have written at least one myself. There are scores of résumé consultants, companies, and others that will work on your résumé for a fee. Hiring one of these services can be useful and can improve your résumé. Nevertheless, most résumés can improve dramatically by following the below advice.
It is extremely important that you enjoy your job. Most people find themselves in jobs that they resent, and eventually make this resentment known by appearing disinterested and distracted. Success comes from being engaged in and grateful for your work. You can define your job according to your own vision; you can either choose to engage with your work, or avoid and despise what you do. People recognize and appreciate those who are enthusiastic about their work.
Do not be a dabbler, or someone who turns away in the face of stress; the secret to long-term happiness is to instead confront and push through these stress factors. Do not be discouraged by difficulties, but find ways to persist and deal with the stress. Confronting problems head-on is the key to improvement, and will take you much further than the dabblers who fail to approach their careers with commitment.
When faced with difficult times, you must develop the ability to transcend the trouble around you instead of giving up or assuming that nothing can be done about your situation. Keep your wits about you and take charge of the situation, and you will find yourself on track for constant improvement and career success.
In this article Harrison talks about releasing the lack that you feel, in order to reach your full potential. If a sense of lack dominates your thinking, it will affect your interaction with the world and how the world sees you. There are many areas of your life where you are coming from a position of lack. Your ability to release this lack and go forward with your life can create a tremendous sense of peace and more natural accomplishments in your world. The amount of lack that people see out there is profound and it has a massive impact on their lives. According to Harrison, the most successful people in the world see the world as a place of opportunity and not lack.
Determine whether you are a global or specific person. Most people are either too general or too specific in the way they treat information, and overly detail-oriented people risk losing sight of the bigger picture. General people are more comfortable in managerial positions, while detail-oriented people prefer everything to conform to a logical sequence. Understand which sort of person you are, and seek work that best harnesses your natural inclination.
Recent immigrants exemplify the benefits of willpower, passion, and excitement in the way that they work so much harder for their goals than the people who have been here for most or all of their lives. Like most Americans, you need to rekindle the spirit of your immigrant ancestors and become hungry for what you want. The entrepreneurial spirit that brought people to America has often faded over time; adopt the fire and work ethic of new immigrants in order to achieve your goals.
You must plant seeds in the minds of others, so that they will be more likely than otherwise to think of you when a future need arises. In planting seeds, you are making people aware of what you have to offer; you must make sure that you are ever present in the minds of your potential employers. Planting seeds is the most effective way to generate top-of-mind awareness, and ensure that the right people remember you at the appropriate time.
A recommendation from a powerful person can make a huge difference in your job search; a reference from an influential person makes a tremendous difference to a prospective employer, and thus can be a major advantage for you. When an important person whom the company trusts recommends you, you instantly qualify for positions that may previously have been unattainable. Make the absolute most of your connections with the powerful people in your life, because doing so can instantaneously change your career and life.
Maintaining a routine in both life and work is important to success. Not only do you need to establish a routine, you must make that routine demanding and push yourself to the limit. Budget a certain amount of time each week for networking, applying to jobs, brushing up your interview skills, and following up with employers. Such consistent effort on a daily basis will make a huge difference to your career success.
You can better market yourself by taking a stand against something. Peoples’ personal beliefs, including the things with which they do not agree, define who they are as people. Standing against something differentiates you from the crowd; when done in the correct manner, without disrespecting others’ opinions, such a stance can help you land your dream job.
To reach the goals to which you aspire, you must compare yourself with people superior to you for motivation. Most people prefer to look at life the way they wish it to be, rather than as it truly is. Move out of your comfort zones and face reality. Don’t seek out or compare yourself with the average people around you, as doing so will only mire you in mediocrity rather than push you forward.
In this article Harrison discusses what a good hiring manager should look for. Many people who make hiring decisions really do not know what they are doing. In fact, they often make mistakes when hiring. They put too much emphasis on skills and experience. But the single most important aspect of hiring is evaluating the person’s unique outlook on the world. If the person does not have a positive outlook on the world, he/she will bring down the morale of the other workers. The person will harm the company through the negative outlook. The key to success is having the power to stick it out in jobs and finding happiness wherever you are. Hiring people who do good work and are always able to find happiness should be the number one objective of hiring managers.
Don’t ever give up, and make the most of the tools at your disposal. Take chances and invest in your best skills, and persist in the face of unfortunate events. Have faith in your considerable work and capabilities, and use them to create value for others.
Things will not always go the way that you want them to go, so you must not be discouraged by adversity in your job hunt. When you persist and consistently put forth your best effort, things are much more likely to go in your favor. Also, you must resist others’ efforts to undermine your efforts and potential; focus instead on doing everything in your power to fight on and complete the task at hand.
Having a goal or vision will propel you towards greater career success and happiness. Without a purpose, you will find yourself depressed and ultimately fail to achieve your goals. Do not subscribe to the unrealistic problem that you should never have problems, but instead regard problems as part of your overall growth strategy.
Harrison Barnes:
Getting Ahead:
The Role of Jobs in Today's World:
Career Advice:
© 2024 Harrisonbarnes All Rights Reserved
this is complete bullshit. What a bullshit person and site... Harrison Barnes is stupid. Very Very stupid. Beware!
The person who owns this website is a scam artist. This is absolutely ridiculous. Please stop this none-sense. You are hurting people.
After so many trials i discovered some many tips on the techniques on how i could prepare myself well in order to find better job but although many of them failed , I want to thank all those who discovered this means of helping those who are like me because I can now enjoy the fruits of their creativity .I finally got a job in a private firm where I perform my duty as a driver although things are not so well as claims indicates that experience is still low.I now drive well on the KENYAN roads safely thanks a lot.
i want to lern english
It was a couple of weeks .I noticed that one of my colleague,mr.john was just sittinng there with his head in his hands.He was just staring his computer screen but not actually doingany work .So i thought I,d help him out.I Hadn,t initially realised what problem was,so i took him to another office and sat him down.with a bit of listening. I foud out he lost his biggest customer to a cmpetitor.he was so worried he may be fired.Isuggested to him he warn our boss that he was to miss his target for the month.I worked with him to create an action plan to find a new customer,to met target for the month which i managed to over come problem.
Dear sir, I am a person who is finding a part time job in online. I am a student as computer engineer . You know a job is very needful for a unemployed person as me. Now I am requesting you for a part time job or any kinds of job. If u contact me then I will send my CV ti you. Please sir get me a chance, I will be glad if you give me the chance .
I am Karan Mehta, 21 years old, I recently completed my IT Course,(in JETKING), OF Computer Hardware & Networking in Rajkot. Right now i am seeking for JOB, but i got a lots of problem. before that i have done work of FINANCE Activity, for 2.6 year, in that Field i have face Real World\'s Knowledge. My only rules for life is that never loose our courage & confidence, Good Bye.
I am but a simple fisherman. Mr. A. Harrison Number One find me great job. Much happiness brought to me by Mr. Harrison Top Gun. Lawcrossing is top job site for original American jobs of the first and original variety. God bless you, Captain. You make America brave. When I first find Mr. A. Harrison Genius I am nothing, nobody, on the street. Mr. A. Harrison took me into his Malibu mansion. He shave me. He bathe me. He make me whole again. He offer me women and American Pilsner Beer Top Shelf Beverage. Without Mr. A. Harrison I would have hung myself. He give me reason to live. Today I am number one fisherman. Lawcrossing find me best fishing job, top of the line. He make me real man. If you ignore the blessings of Mr. A. Harrison America, you are a common thief.
If you REALLY want my success story, send me a personalized email. I just sent you one.
Well as you see my CV and Cover latter it is all true
My story is a tradgedy and a failure story that reads likr armageddon if u use me u will be out of business. I get knocked down 7x get up 8. Still failing. Sorry I\'m a poster boy for failure. Michael
Dear Sir, I am an Indonesian, I get my pharmacy degree in 1997, on that year we faces an economic crysis in my country, Indonesia. Rupiah dropped down toward dollar. Unstable situation, many jobless people....but my spirit still on fire. After finish my degree, I looked for many job opportunities,via newspaper, information from friends and relatives and internet, hoping that I will be an employee of one of an office in Jakarta, until on 2000 I found my first job being a private tutor for some student in neighborhood, it is very unic experiences be a tutor, through that job I reminded some basic knowledge. Even just worked for about two or three days in a week and on the afternoon, however I keep woke up in the very early in the morning everyday, do some body exercises to keep my body fresh, after while I learned to type by ten fingers, what ever I face I do my best. I was being a tutor for some year, but my dream was still to be an employee from a pharmaceutical manufacture. On 2003 I got a job as a Quality Control inspector in a famous pharmaceutical company in my country, but after working for several days I got a sickness, I resigned. After that I kept going looking for jobs........................................................................................................I got a job as a teacher for playgroup, I enjoyed with that job however my dream is to be an expert in pharmaceutical industry......................................................................on 2006, I was received in a pharmaceutical company, as an R&D staff, focuses on arranging registration documents and packaging dream comes true.. I needs to touch chemical formulation and after 3 years working on that company I was offered by a nationwide chemical distribution company as a Technical Advisor, do the presentation, course, formulation research of cosmetics, household and general chemical cases, support and maintain customers. It is very interesting. After some years in pharmaceutical and chemical company,................................... I found that many pharmaceutical company facing dificulties on standing between marketing needs and the quality or GMP due to the unapropiat quality or GMP and quality management system including validation, for more specific my aim career is to be an expert in Quality Management and Research.Now I am looking for the opportunities for Quality Management Manager and or research. .-regards : linda
Dear Sir/Madam, Please find attached my Resume for your perusal in connection with any available position of Hotel/Resort executive chef, sous-chef, chef de cuisine. I bring to your attention that I am a Cameroon citizen with over 05 years of international experience within the Hotel industry (06 years as a executive chef). I am highly professional, Polyglot, target achiever, without encumbrances and very adaptable to any environment. Through a confident and determined approach, I have managed to build my career to where I am today. Managing and controlling operations along with Marketing and meeting clients needs has been the most important part of my development. I am a highly motivated individual with high aspirations to improve service and operational standards throughout the Industry. I am always eager to adapt to challenges and different situations. I am tolerant, yet firm with the staff I manage. I lead by example and from the front, which leads to higher standards and respect, thus in turn leads to higher profitability. I have proven my capabilities through honesty and hard work with a desire to achieve profitable results. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me, at your convenience, on +23797235820 / +23779753392 or via e-mail: I look forward to your correspondence. Kind regards, MARTIN YOBA
with several years expearence as the sole secretaary of a private business, i would like to apply for the position of executive secretary with more adverse in other department which i experience to knw more than you localasing me,essentially i wil did everything i could to make mr HARRISON BARNES heavy responsibilities easier, thus iam familiar with the duties of an executive secretary and belieeve Iam prepared to anticipate and meet all your expectation. I am confident, too, that with enthusiasm and sincere effort, i can make the transition from a small business to alarge corporation smoothly i would appreciate your giving me the opportunity to disscuss my qualifications in person . i would be happy to come for an interview at your convenience, and i can be reachded any hours you mention sincerely yours Bartolomeu Meuldinho Henrique
I was let go from my job on Feb 19, 2010 and I hired on my new job June 4, 2010. I was very depressed over my job loss considering this was the second time I had been let go from a job since 2008. The first thing I did was contact all my recruiters and close friends/co-workers to let them know I was looking for work so they could all start looking into opportunities for me. I took the weekend to relax and get my mind together and started my job search on Monday. I updated and posted my resume on all the job boards like Monster, Career builder, and several others. The good thing was that I had my favorite job websites saved on my computer since my last job search was back in 2008 plus I had all my letter and resumes ready to go. I started off my day each day searching for jobs on-line. I would apply for 1 to 10 jobs each day. I got an interview the first week I was out of work. The interview went great but I did not get a call back. My goal was to go on one interview each week and during the four months I was out of work I went on 14 interviews in total. One of the reasons I think I got so many interviews is that I have a great resume and I paid an agency to do it for me. The money was worth it and I think that played a big role in a competitive market. I sent out as many resumes as I could and I use several website to apply for jobs. When I would get a call for an interview I would still keep applying for other jobs. I think finding a job is like dating you got to keep your options open until you get something solid. While I was waiting to hear back from jobs I was still going on interviews and applying for other jobs. The crazy thing is that when I got my job offer I had another interview lines up that same day and another company called me for an interview a week after I started my new job. I did not break my routine until I got an offer. I also did not let negative people get me depressed over the economy and I stopped reading all the news and negative articles about the job market because it will break your spirit. I had to focus on the positive things in my life to stay motivated. I found my job off Monster and they called 1 month after I applied for the position and that is why it is important to apply for as many jobs as you can because finding a job takes time. I been on my job for three weeks and I am very happy.
Hello, Yes this is she! Sometime I die for the success of the story, and sometimes the story dies for my success. Life seems to be still in dissolution stage. There are many more success stories to live for, I am sure. They are yet to start. Recently I have lost significant weight. I am looking good and feeling great.
Hello, Yes this is she! Sometime I die for the success of the story, and sometimes the story dies for my success. Life seems to be still in dissolution stage. There are many more success stories to live for, I am sure. They are yet to start. Recently I have lost significant weight. I am looking good and feeling great.
i owuld like to apply in any vacant possition which is my qualification
Dear Sir/Madam, With reference to your advertisement in the internet, I would like to be considered for the post you need as Architect. My name is Architect ilyas agha, I am 34 years old, hard worker, loyal and high of dedication. As a professional Architect I worked for more than 7.5 years (Including 3 years In UAE)in various Architectural Firms and also in Multinational Companies. I deal Architecture Design ,Interior Design,Urban Design,and Landscape Design,From Pre Historic To Modren Architecture, I enclosed my application with curriculum vitae If you feel that position is compatible with my education, skill and knowledge, I would be most grateful if you could give a chance for an interview. I believe that I will give a good contribution for your company in the future. I am looking forward with great interest to hearing from you regarding my application through my phone number. Sincerely Yours, Architect ilyas agha 00971557061720
Me and my family is Ahmdi Muslim we live in Pakistan we don’t have here our life protection last month 28 May everyone know what happened with us we lose my wife elder brother in that existent. We don’t have any protection our life in this country now I am 54 years old I have two son one daughter and my wife my elder son CA student he don’t have job my younger son is student of IT he study in Sweden my daughter is also IT student she study in Pakistan. I am a auto cad draughtsman I don’t have job here
as i have been working at a local rest. in texas for 10 years ..seemed like just a dead end job ..same thing every day ..i posted my resume on line matter of days i got a call from a boys camp in wisconsin this is my 3rd year feeding 400 kids at camp ojibwa ..its so much like a family here i live and work here every year from may till aug..
Kam punuar si zdrukthetar ne campin BondstiiIl ne ferizaj-Koosove ,akm punuar ne UNMIK-OSBE /Qendra per reegjistrim te personav me okumenta identifikimi deh kam punuar ne zvicer ne construcsione te betonit
This what help me to find the job: I have extensive financial application background in Oracle / Unix environment. At InterPool as a project lead of a migration team I was involved in Leasing Application update to the Oracle 9i on Windows 2000 platform . I did the feasibility study of migration tools including Data Analysis of existing database objects in order to map them in structures specific to 9i. This allows to increase system Scalability and Internet Security. This upgrade was highly visible from user community standpoint. It reduced maintenance cost of production machines, increases system productivity. At SunGard, I did development in CRM, Oracle Configurator, Oracle Discovery, Oracle Sales Online, Oracle Work Flow. Also I worked for 3 years on computer based testing programs GRE, GMAT, SAT for Educational Testing Service. I was involved in two big DW projects: one for Merck and another for BASF. I have considerable experience in Oracle as DBA and Data Warehouse Developer , also I have Unix Administration experience with SCO Unix , Sun Solaris 2.8 and HPUX 11.0.
Mr. Harrison I am Viraj Tolia an graduate of Electronics and Communication Engineering with B.E. degreee. My conduct is V.Good with GPA 3.14/4. As here in Sudan there are not much telecom companies as a result they dont hire fresh graduate so I am havinng my training in hardware network company where they give training of installing data and telephone points. But I am more interested in Telecom fields. I got your website and found that you give great oppotunities to people like us but the problem is that your website is asking for money to subscribe and we are middle class people so we dont have any credit cards so became tough for me to try my luck in your company.
Dr. Denis meyer & Family 172, 52216 RR 233 Sherwood Park, AB T8B 1C9 (780) 995-9754 June 11, 2010 SHERIF ELSEBAI Director of sales and marketing Tarot tours Garranah - USA 378 Columbia avenue , Cliffside Park NJ 07010 Dear Sherif: Please accept this letter as my heartfelt thanks for your assistance during our recent vacation to Egypt. Initially, we were quite apprehensive about making travel arrangements over the internet, rather than in person with our travel agent. However, we were MORE than pleasantly surprised by the manner in which we were treated by Tarot Tours from the moment we arrived, until the moment we departed your beautiful country. Your reccomendation to go with a private guide absolutely MADE our holiday and I cannot thank you enough for making that suggestion. Obviously, the choice of Mohammad Semeda has a lot to do with our praise for Tarot Tours. Mr. Semeda was one of the most outstanding guides we have EVER travelled with. My family & I have traveled all over the world, from Panama to Switzerland, Italy to California and were so impressed with Mr. Semeda that we were motivated to send you this letter of recommendation. He was the perfect balance of friendliness and discretion. He assisted us through numerous mishaps, such as forgetting our camera t the airport, and took us to places that we would have never seen on your regular tourist path. Yet, we never felt our safety was compromised. Mr. Semeda always had everything under control. He was sensitive to our level of exhaustion and always was polite, generous and ‘ready to go’. He handled situations with ease and professionalism and his knowledge of the country was immeasurable! He ensured that all of our needs were met and all of our interests explored. I honestly believe that Mr. Semeda could make a career out of traveling around the world training guides as he really was outstanding. Thank you again for everything. Dr. Denis & Mrs. Kathleen Meyer
I have completed my PG in Retail Managment but due to ressession and mistake of my cllege from where i completed my PG i Loose my job again and again but now i m in religare securities ltd. but i m not happy with my job.
dear sir/madam my name is ,,,,,,,,, and i am 21 years old acually i am the person who always search for job but still i am looking for acually i had 3 times interveiw but i didn\'t get any job yet because i have got anther part-time job and that job it is Sales Assistenat Customer Services. when i had the enterveiw i told them i have got a part-time ,job and after that they not accept me because they are saying if you have got one why do you want anther job. anytime they ask me that quetion i always try to explain because i am looking a full-time job ?????? i am sorry i can\'t tell story ti is to long and i can\'t say here all and i don\'t know who are you people sorry???????????????
For now I have experience in finding work but only here in our country, and I\'m wishing to work to other country any kind of job that can I work to other country so for now I need help to process my papers, I already completed my documents for going abroad.thank you very much.. God Bless..
22 july 20101 IMPORTANT MAKE MONEY PROJECT OF DIANA, AND FOR SALE PROJECT!! I like to this music who must to be music album mr.Ahmer ertegün atlantic music record of chairman 2006 years new york usa dear. Brother.Harrison Barnes, hello,with respectly,we try to international project of prencess lady diana,this project. 1.6 billion people interest to prencess lady diana ın the wortld!! 1.9 book of diana by trafford ,dorrance publisher,usa,uk,2.) music album of diana by atlantic music record,and universal music publisher by usa and uk,3.) tv programe story of prencess lady diana with music by ınt tv uk,masterly tv israel and us,3.) 4.) web site of diana by Tom Wood usa, it is super music is prencess lady diana music.listen to music youtube. search: galler prencess lady diana number one music ,this news is number one a a news for you!! music and projects for the death anniversary of diane prencess lady did. Are working with a team of 62. Listen to the music of Prince Harry that his mother will cry when . we works to pprecess lady diana project for 12 years!!!!.write to us for preapre and interview to sory of prencess lady diana!!! 1.)youtube : or write this name searc: search:galler prencess lady diana number one music (diana music) 2.) or write this nam search: search:borack obama number one news ( president borack obama video) ALWAYS SHINING STAR IN THE SKY (The sun of got that never sets diana) All Beautıful come with you Love candles lif for you Lending starded with you Ardent desire ended with you We love to you , beautiful lady Eternal Always become s with you, with you,beautıful lady Please accept the letter of George BUSH.(başkan bushdan gelen özel mektup aşağıdadır.) (thanks you, big Bush ) Sir.Yakup Kaymaz In response to your message titled \"DEAR. USA OF PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH, PLEASE WRITE TO US, PELASE READ TO THIS LETTER. !!!\" At: The Real Banker has replied (with title \"Bush asked me to respond to your letter.\"): Contact: Bill Clinton at (927)932-0933 and tell him that I sent you. God\'s speed! George W. Bush PS: Have you considered contacting Mr. Fidel Castro? Last I heard, he was looking for humanitarian Summary of video (başkan borack obama haber videsu özetinin ingilizcesi) We start with the word ‘I have a dream (Martin Luther King) in, I have a question I\'d like to start with a dream We present our respect to Mr. Borack OBOMA. We apply with the letter of Geroge Bush.Bush says in his letter to give financial support for Lady Diana Project.It’s very important Project. Mr. President OBAMA please send five hundred thousand .USD financial support to Lady Diana Project. OBAMA VİDEO WHOLE ARTICLE. (başkan borack obama haber VİDEO KONUŞMANIN İNGİLİZCESİ bU DERGİNİZDE YAYINLAYABİLİRSENİZ ÇOK MEMNU OLURUM.) I would like to start with the word ‘ my king in, I have a dream’ We would like to say to Mr. President Ob! ama and his Assistants welcome to our country. We present our loves and respects. We apply to Mr. Obama with the letter of Old President George Bush. We wrote a letter to George Bush for the financial support for Walles Princess Lady Diana Project which is an international art,cultural and humanist, consists of book,music album,web sites and television program. In the response of Mr. Bush, He says that tell them I sent you and apply to Bill Clinton or Fidel Castro but we couln’t get any reply. Mr. Obama, Old President, George Bush sent us to you. We would like to get financial assistance for Lady Diana Project from you with the reference letter of Mr. Bush. MR. Obama, Dorrence Publishing Editorship Committee in Pennsylvania State checked our book in three weeks that we wrote for Lady Diana and decided its issuable. *We also met with Mr. Ahmet Ertegün who is the owner of Atlantic Music producer of Diana music,he also listened to Diana Music.He wrote a letter to us before and said that the music must be in an album and they liked very much. ***I sent a letter and fax to President Obama.Also we wrote a letter to George Bush and he replied. ***Lady Diana Project is a very important Project.It’s important for England,Israel,Turkey,Europe and all of the world.It’s a Project that is presented for the world.Turkey has a Grand potential of tourism and it will contribute to Turkey’s tourism and cultural presentation. ***Turkey and Turkey tourism can be advertised with Lady Diana Cultural Project.Also Amrican senators replied letters.Laig Craigh,American Senator Evan Bayh,American Senator Lady Diana Legent,American Senator Virginia Senator,George Allen wrote specific support letters for Lady Diana Project.I present these letters.A specific letter arrived to us from Yacaav Getino Israel Masterly television for Lady Diana Project to make documentary.I also present this letter. Eventually I want World Leader American President Barack Obama to bear a ha! nd fort his prpject.I think this Project is very important.I absolutely await a reply from him.We make a wish fort he relationships between two countries shall be good always.We present our respect and love and thank you very much. The previous President Bush approved the financial support that amounts -Five hundred thousand- USD for Diana Project.We request Mr Barack Obama to approve sending this support. Yours very truly Sir.yakup kaymaz Writer Galler prencess lady diana Project of Director. E E Address:orta mh okul sk no 15/3 Tepebaşı eskisehir turkey We love to Diana and all people of world. TEL.0090 537 404 71 61 FAX:0090 222 33 80 654 Yakup Kaymaz: After graduated from Anadolu University Faculty of Social Studies, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Administration. sir.yakup, right now, is working at the university graduate students working in units He has been continuing his studies on the Diana project with his group for 11 years. He al! so made researches on politics, economy, law, art, culture in the library of the university. Yakup Kaymaz read many pieces of American, English, Israel, Rome, and philosophers, as well. sir.yakup currently is preparing for postgraduate exams.
22 july 20101 IMPORTANT MAKE MONEY PROJECT OF DIANA, AND FOR SALE PROJECT!! I like to this music who must to be music album mr.Ahmer ertegün atlantic music record of chairman 2006 years new york usa dear. Brother.Harrison Barnes, hello,with respectly,we try to international project of prencess lady diana,this project. 1.6 billion people interest to prencess lady diana ın the wortld!! 1.9 book of diana by trafford ,dorrance publisher,usa,uk,2.) music album of diana by atlantic music record,and universal music publisher by usa and uk,3.) tv programe story of prencess lady diana with music by ınt tv uk,masterly tv israel and us,3.) 4.) web site of diana by Tom Wood usa, it is super music is prencess lady diana music.listen to music youtube. search: galler prencess lady diana number one music ,this news is number one a a news for you!! music and projects for the death anniversary of diane prencess lady did. Are working with a team of 62. Listen to the music of Prince Harry that his mother will cry when . we works to pprecess lady diana project for 12 years!!!!.write to us for preapre and interview to sory of prencess lady diana!!! 1.)youtube : or write this name searc: search:galler prencess lady diana number one music (diana music) 2.) or write this nam search: search:borack obama number one news ( president borack obama video) ALWAYS SHINING STAR IN THE SKY (The sun of got that never sets diana) All Beautıful come with you Love candles lif for you Lending starded with you Ardent desire ended with you We love to you , beautiful lady Eternal Always become s with you, with you,beautıful lady Please accept the letter of George BUSH.(başkan bushdan gelen özel mektup aşağıdadır.) (thanks you, big Bush ) Sir.Yakup Kaymaz In response to your message titled \"DEAR. USA OF PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH, PLEASE WRITE TO US, PELASE READ TO THIS LETTER. !!!\" At: The Real Banker has replied (with title \"Bush asked me to respond to your letter.\"): Contact: Bill Clinton at (927)932-0933 and tell him that I sent you. God\'s speed! George W. Bush PS: Have you considered contacting Mr. Fidel Castro? Last I heard, he was looking for humanitarian Summary of video (başkan borack obama haber videsu özetinin ingilizcesi) We start with the word ‘I have a dream (Martin Luther King) in, I have a question I\'d like to start with a dream We present our respect to Mr. Borack OBOMA. We apply with the letter of Geroge Bush.Bush says in his letter to give financial support for Lady Diana Project.It’s very important Project. Mr. President OBAMA please send five hundred thousand .USD financial support to Lady Diana Project. OBAMA VİDEO WHOLE ARTICLE. (başkan borack obama haber VİDEO KONUŞMANIN İNGİLİZCESİ bU DERGİNİZDE YAYINLAYABİLİRSENİZ ÇOK MEMNU OLURUM.) I would like to start with the word ‘ my king in, I have a dream’ We would like to say to Mr. President Ob! ama and his Assistants welcome to our country. We present our loves and respects. We apply to Mr. Obama with the letter of Old President George Bush. We wrote a letter to George Bush for the financial support for Walles Princess Lady Diana Project which is an international art,cultural and humanist, consists of book,music album,web sites and television program. In the response of Mr. Bush, He says that tell them I sent you and apply to Bill Clinton or Fidel Castro but we couln’t get any reply. Mr. Obama, Old President, George Bush sent us to you. We would like to get financial assistance for Lady Diana Project from you with the reference letter of Mr. Bush. MR. Obama, Dorrence Publishing Editorship Committee in Pennsylvania State checked our book in three weeks that we wrote for Lady Diana and decided its issuable. *We also met with Mr. Ahmet Ertegün who is the owner of Atlantic Music producer of Diana music,he also listened to Diana Music.He wrote a letter to us before and said that the music must be in an album and they liked very much. ***I sent a letter and fax to President Obama.Also we wrote a letter to George Bush and he replied. ***Lady Diana Project is a very important Project.It’s important for England,Israel,Turkey,Europe and all of the world.It’s a Project that is presented for the world.Turkey has a Grand potential of tourism and it will contribute to Turkey’s tourism and cultural presentation. ***Turkey and Turkey tourism can be advertised with Lady Diana Cultural Project.Also Amrican senators replied letters.Laig Craigh,American Senator Evan Bayh,American Senator Lady Diana Legent,American Senator Virginia Senator,George Allen wrote specific support letters for Lady Diana Project.I present these letters.A specific letter arrived to us from Yacaav Getino Israel Masterly television for Lady Diana Project to make documentary.I also present this letter. Eventually I want World Leader American President Barack Obama to bear a ha! nd fort his prpject.I think this Project is very important.I absolutely await a reply from him.We make a wish fort he relationships between two countries shall be good always.We present our respect and love and thank you very much. The previous President Bush approved the financial support that amounts -Five hundred thousand- USD for Diana Project.We request Mr Barack Obama to approve sending this support. Yours very truly Sir.yakup kaymaz Writer Galler prencess lady diana Project of Director. E E Address:orta mh okul sk no 15/3 Tepebaşı eskisehir turkey We love to Diana and all people of world. TEL.0090 537 404 71 61 FAX:0090 222 33 80 654 Yakup Kaymaz: After graduated from Anadolu University Faculty of Social Studies, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Administration. sir.yakup, right now, is working at the university graduate students working in units He has been continuing his studies on the Diana project with his group for 11 years. He al! so made researches on politics, economy, law, art, culture in the library of the university. Yakup Kaymaz read many pieces of American, English, Israel, Rome, and philosophers, as well. sir.yakup currently is preparing for postgraduate exams.
After two years and 5 months of no salaried permanent job, I have networked, attended resume workshops, practiced informational interviews in my field, and searched outside my usual parameters, found temporary gigs writing restaurant reviews, pet sitting, and making VFX for a music video. Now I clean houses with my girlfriend, tutor students on their essays, and clean out trash from a deceased person\'s home. My 2006 BA in Animation and Motion Graphics was deficient in 3D animation techniques and the post-grad training I have found still leaves me not competitive enough to find work in the booming visual effects industry here in the Bay Area. My Electronic Benefits Card (formerly known as Food Stamps) provides about half of the groceries we need to survive here in San Francisco, a city rapidly changing into a playground for the rich, and no room for those not pulling in 6 figures or more. Neighborhoods are gentrifying, kicking out the old local businesses, and I do not know how we are going to pay the rent in August, even if we tighten the belt further in July. Free antidepressants from the public clinic help a bit, but I continue to spend 40 hours a week looking for work without luck. I would love to go on camera and relate the grinding challenges of looking for work in this recession, which I believe is spiraling into a depression faster than anyone wants to admit. Best, Alex Orzulak
any security job?
It had been 10 years since I stopped working as a traveling certified nurse\'s aide. After the birth of my daughter Jaqui, it just didn\'t seem right to go back to school or work while taking care of a baby with down syndrome. I was despressed too. So many therapists coming in and out of the house daily and no money. Funny how I managed to have another baby in 19 months, Autumn. I was just about to turn 42. The Doctor made sure she tied my tubes. Two menapausal babies, bankrupt when I broke my foot and had to put them in day care, I went back to work at first in the local school district.But I soon realized rather not work with children. I had no idea what I was going to do. I have a husband working as a truck driver studying to be a teacher, and a gifted 12 year old who wins scholarships to go to private school, a special Down Syndrome Special Ed Child who gets picked up and dropped off on the little yellow bus, and little Autumn about 4 years old. I did some neighborhood jobs, working for the school for tuition for nursery school, Then I decided to work 2 hours a day as a lunchtime ,monitor at the local school.. I only knew 3 things being a mom, I needed money, flexibility, evenings and weekends. I had to find a job on the weekend but what was I going to do??? I went to Snag a Job. I wasn\'t sure what I would do. But I kept using keywords part time weekends, and scanned the jobs. I realized that nursing and home health care were the ticket. I had a Certified Nurse\'s Aide license but it was expired. However I found Home Helpers, a non medical agency, would hire me because i had experience. I searched alot of websites,, Snag a job, Retirement Jobs, Hospitality Jobs, Jobs for Disabled, Jobs for Depressed, Jobs for People over 50. Hey, thank God for the Internet. I only had to use myfingers to search and I found my niche. Being a traveling Home Health Aide won\'t make me rich, but I love my job, my independence, and what I give to other people I get back emotionally a million times over. Thanks for letting me share my little story. Success is figuring out what you want, getting it, and then loving your job.
Mr. Barnes, I had written you several months ago praising your stories and encouragement for the opportunities that lie ahead. Your personal stories are a terrific read,was however, your website your pay website was disappointing for my industry which was food service sales in management or sales rep positions. I applied to only a couple which I had seen on other websites for free. I am convinced that the only way I will get a job to enjoy will be Networking. Only. I am a sales professional. I go after what I want. If I want it bad enough. I will continue my efforts to get what I want soon. Sincerely, Michael Sklar
i joined army in my country as an officer and served four years then i quit as i wanted to. then i came to uk as i wished for,i continued my studies here,and also joined a the same time i became support maneger of thr same place. so i consider myself a successful person because i get what i want and the reason behind that is\'\'i plan and then i do my lkevel best to fulfill it\'\'
during my work have gained good experience in the gas stations and drilling rigs I am familiar for mechanical and crane operator my experience under test my certificate in case order have experience in my work for 12 years I need to any chance
In septmember of 2009 i was let go from my job as a phlebotomist because of a arugement wi th a supervisor. I was looking for a job everywhere, applying everywhere and couldnt find a job to save my life. I got online everyday and applied to everything but i wasnt getting a call back and starting to get really upset. I hhad a one yr old son to take care of and me and my mother both were out of a job. i started to get assistance from the government but it wasnt enough. my lights and water got turned of and we were just struggling. i went to a job search site call and saw so many job that i had not seen at other sites. I saw a job for Lab Assistant for Sentara Virginia Beach General and i said hey what bad could happen from applying for this job, so i applied and didnt hear anything for like a week. then out of the blue i get a call from the hiring department and they wanted me to interview for the job. I was so happy i thought i was going to die. once i got off the phone i just cryed and cryed. i went to the interview and put my game face on. you know the face that says im going to get this DAMN JOB!!! so i went and did my interview and they called me back at the end of the week and offered me the part-time job. and now i have been here for 7 months and im being transfered to a full-time position at Norfolk general. i feel like if i would have never went to i wowuld have never known about this job and i would be where i am now. im 22 and doing something i love. its not just a job to me its a career and i feel like i owe it all to
My story began back in 1997 when working for a nursing home, had a chance to switch careers. Moved into the dental field thanks to a friend of mine that was finishing her hygiene program. Without much knowledge in dentistry from dental assistant became the office manager for a practice that was advertising for the latino community in the area of NYC. Stayed in that practice for ten years and moved to Conn to worked with the latino community at a practice where 95% of the employees couldn\'t get how to work with the latinos. Moved back to NYC within three months since I only went to Conn to do dental consulting. Tried to get the right practice where my knowledge and my ethics could be applied. Too me three years to find the practice where I could feel comfortable to work, feel confident of the dentist I work with and be part of a practice where dentistry is done with conscience. I do not work for Latinos now, but I feel that anyone who come in into the office is treated with respect.
Dear sir I exclaimly sorry to say i have no money to send u for registeration because i have no job here in paksitan and iam belongs to poor family i apply job the many more time here in pakistan but no body gave me the job about my study cause i have only 1 year experience when i go to the compny for interview for job they say to me how many years u have a experience in field and i am fresh graduate anyone gave the job then i get the experience i request the company i also agree for intership then do the job your compny nobody understand me and refuse me .what can i do and i send u the cv and information for job mayb u help me for a job i shall very thankfulll to you for hear my story
May 30th, 2008: \"You are laid off effective immediately\". July 20ty, 2009: \"You are hired and start immediately\". The interim was horrific, to say the least. I had been laid off before. The difference being, in the past, I was confident I could find a job through the standard way of sending out resumes and making telephone calls. Not this time! More people had been laid off. I am older (over 50). The internet was posting all of the jobs and more people were competing for each job than ever before. Ah the Internet. What a great tool...for me and everyone else looking for a good job. How to weed out the good sites from the bad? Where do I want to live, if I have to move? Can I take a cut in pay and benefits? Those questions and many others had to be answered before I started applying. What sites do I want to use? Do I want to hire a service to help me pre-qualify? I had several good interviews from my internet connections. However, the job I took came through a personal connection; a friend and colleague within my church. Personal connections are still the best way to become re-employed. It does not matter if it is yesterday, today or tomorrow, networking on the internet and in person helps create a lasting impression upon the people who may be able to help you. It certainly did with me.
My only success is that I still have a roof over my head and im not living in a cardboard box yet. I have been looking for work for over a year. I have 35 years experience as an admininstrative assist. Im currently employed in Florida and have gone from 60 hours a week to barely 30, spending most of it on gas to get to the job. I dont know when the last time I had a real meal was. I live on salad which Im now growing my own lettuce cause that cost has gone up.I have entertained the idea of trying to sell my house and move back to New Jersey. But would take a great loss,even if I could sell it. So as you can see I do not have a so called success story to share. Im sure I could have a success story if I take up selling guns, drugs or prostitution. I\'ll keep you posted on how I do. Im sure there are alot of people out there looking for my tips to survival. Thanks
My story is not different then other software developer. I did my BS from National College Lahore and start my career as a IT professional in 1995. and till now struggling for better future. when i passed out that was the time period of boom in IT field. but i could not get a better job in any renown company this all depend on luck. Lets see what change you made in my life but keep in mind i have a strong believe on the hard work.
I am proud to say that I do indeed have a success story. I decided a few years ago that I wanted to become a graphic designer. I attended a great college, Stevens Henager, where I earned my associates degree in graphic arts. During school I had been doing some freelance work to refine my newly learned skills and when I graduated I got a design position with a new newspaper company. In the short months that I was there I gained incredible knowledge of the print and design world and actually became the creative director. Unfortunately the company died off however, I then found a position at ATK Aerospace Systems, where I currently work. ATK is first known by building the booster motors that launch the Space Shuttle for NASA among other missile and satellite products. Here I design many types of documents from posters to logos and so much more. This is an amazing opportunity to be involved so closely with the space program. I also own my own graphic design business, Landlocked Design, ( where I can continue to do what I love when I am not at ATK. I am also an instructor at Stevens Henager in the graphic design department. Sharing my knowledge with new designers is a great experience that I thoroughly enjoy. Sounds like a busy schedule, I know, but I wouldn\'t change a thing. I would not be able to accomplish any of these amazing jobs without the education I received. Striving for a degree, although very difficult at times, was the best decision I have ever made. I tell students daily that you have to strive for what you want. Your dream job will not fall into your lap but it can be achieved if you seek it and work hard. I still cant believe at the age of 26 I have my dream CAREER! What an amazing feeling it is! I heard a quote once that I have come to live by: If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life. And so I am.
I don\'t know you, I have no success story I am unemployed, hound has not helped me at all. I really wish you take my name off your stupid list. I have tried to unsubscribe but with little success maybe this will do it.
I have had my resume posted on numerous job-search websites--including Monster, HotJobs and Yahoo-- since 2003 and have not heard from one prospective employer. NOT ONE. Zero. Job search websites have been a complete waste of my time and effort. I certainly don\'t have any \"success story.\" This brings me to the question: Why the hell did you contact me asking for a success story? Are you just sending out thousands or millions of emails to random addresses? I detest spam and have a very low opinion of those who use it. In the future, please do a little research before you make presumtions about the people you contact.
2001 -2004 for PETRO LINE EGYPT as slick line operator 2004 until now for HALLIBURTON OVER SEAS LMT as slick line operator Work field Western desert bapetco Cepsa Khalda H b s Nafto gaz petro alam Agepa Alalamen co Eastern desert Zeitco Gemsa Oil search Vie gas Scimitar Kuwait energy Gpc Osuco Gupco Waspetco Amens Merlon fayum Mediterranean Sea Petropel Rashbetco Nospco Wepco Operations and individuals: Slick line chief operators, Familiar with mono lock plug with all size Familiar with magna range Familiar with Dpu punch Familiar with various Otis, Baker and Camco running/pulling tool including Otis “R”,”S”,”GS” and “GR” pulling tools Camco “JUC”,\"JDC \" and \"PRS\". • Baker “D-2” shifting tool and Otis “B” shifting tool for sliding sleeves. • Baker” A” sure-set locks and running tools.• Maintenance of wire line tools including disassembling, changing spare parts, pinning, assembling and testing function.• Safe rig up and rig down. Pressure testing of wire line equipment. • Run plugs for testing tubing and setting hydraulic packers.• Run various flow control devices such as plugs, , Spartek gauge... Run in/pull out of well gas –lift valves and dummy valves.• Run bottom hole sample Familiar with “X” and “R” Otis selective nipple locks.• Good knowledge of Baker sure-set no-go locks• Opening and closing SSD Use hydraulic and mechanical spring jars for heavy duty fishing.• Good knowledge of well completion and tubing string components (both oil and gas).• Rig up 7/32 cable Run alloy lines, 7/32\" cable and grease seal unit with a supervisor on location Swabbing, fishing jobs . Work in sun sub rig, all sub sea tool . Ability to understand and troubleshoot problem wells Responsible of crews and look after their compliance to safety.• Prepare program and material necessary for duty job.• Organize with client supervisor the plan of today’s job.• Attend field operation and assist the crews if necessary.• Take responsibility of job to be performed in good and safe manner . I have worked on oil and gas field for more than 10 years, and i would like to grow up and give the maximum of my ability to progres
I\'m still studying third year BIM in SSC (Sana\'a community College) I in this block I\'m in treaning in two companys the first is Eagle Soft for programming and computer and the other is CAC Bank if have heard about it. I\'m in the first graduated group in this system which called EHP and it is the first time studying this system in Yemen. I gained many skills and I\'m trying to gain more. I didn\'t search for real job tel now but I\'m just trying and responding for the massage that I\'ve found it in my E-mail and all of us now it\'s not good skills to Ignore messages like those and for those successful people. H hope for u more and more success in your real life and for your company. good luck Khaled mansour Y.H
I\'m still studying third year BIM in SSC (Sana\'a community College) I in this block I\'m in treaning in two companys the first is Eagle Soft for programming and computer and the other is CAC Bank if have heard about it. I\'m in the first graduated group in this system which called EHP and it is the first time studying this system in Yemen. I gained many skills and I\'m trying to gain more. I didn\'t search for real job tel now but I\'m just trying and responding for the massage that I\'ve found it in my E-mail and all of us now it\'s not good skills to Ignore messages like those and for those successful people. H hope for u more and more success in your real life and for your company. good luck Khaled mansour Y.H
My name is Terra, at the age of 30 my world was turned upside down when I was diagnosed with absent seizures brought on by an auto accident several years earlier. I could no longer drive and found myself on disability. I knew that I had so much more to offer society and that I owed it to myself not to settle for just getting by. I made the decision to use the resources available to me which were my phone and my PC with internet. I started by searching the internet using key word such as \"\"telecommute,Virtual, remote and work from home\" I was amazed at the number of web sites solely dedicated to providing information and resources for work from home opportunities. SUCCESS!!! I applied and was hired for a position in business consulting that allowed me to use the skills and knowledge I had without ever leaving my home. My starting pay was $15 per hour but it opened doors and let me down a path that I would have never otherwise even considered. After several years of working in this position, I was contacted by a client who asked me if I would consider coming to work for him in the field of recruiting. I had no idea what recruiting was even about. After much consideration and a guaranteed salary offer, I made the decision to give it a shot. What I found was that I am actually quite good in this arena and for the first time since my accident I was actually excited about what I was doing and getting a sense of appreciation from it that, I had not felt in a very long time. Still today I am working in pharmacy recruitment as the Sr.Pharmacy Recruitment Manager and I still get a rush each time I help a candidate find a job that will be both rewarding and fulfilling and give my client the quality employee they are in need of. I have been asked if I am ever able to gain total control over my seizures and able to drive again would I go back to working outside of my home and the answer is NO! I could never imagine giving up the freedom and flexibility I have and punching a clock again. Don\'t get me wrong, it takes allot of discipline to successfully work from home. You have to set rules for yourself and stick to them. I have been fortunate and in January of this year I married Michael who is a certified property appraiser and also works from home. His office is located right across the hall from mine and while it could be an easy distraction, we are both disciplined enough not to let that be the case. My routine is getting up every morning and getting fully dressed as though I were going to an office outside of my home and then we both go to work. We occasionally have lunch together but then it is right back to work. At the end of the day it as though we are both just getting home from a day at the office and we are happy to see each other!
I am no longer on this earth, that is my story of success. Praise the Lord for all His blessings
I am aperson who regardless of all the obsticals he faced did succeed in being the second student in his batch in English language studies.Agter realizing the first step of my success ,I have had a very exciting and fruitful period of English language in a country where theydon\'t pay that much care for English as asecond and international language .I am really willing to play a big role in this important field of life.
Its my Resume attached
After being dismayed with an employer who treated their employees with no respect I left the job without any other job. I really thought it would be easy to find another job but shorly after leaving my position everyone in the country was being laid off! I had problems finding a position so I used Employment Crossing and found many positions but they were all sought after by many. While I did not find a position through them I used the information supplied by Harrison Barnes to restructure my resume and I started a consulting business. That helped me get through the rough times and just recently received a great job offer better paying and better company than I ever had! I have now relocated to Florida and am enjoying my new life!
hi my name is kevin jennings i story but not yet a success story if u will to what i have to tell write back so i can be sure this is not a pop up
A month short of a year after the day I took the bar, I finally found an attorney position. When I graduated, it seemed the odds were stacked against me. I graduated in May 2009. Our class is known as \"the forgotten class.\" As we graduated, the economy had just suffered a cosmic crash. Unemployment was through the roof and on the rise. Unemployed attorneys could be found in abundance. And soon after, when the new attorneys passed the Bar, the employers forgot about the first time passers of the class of \'09. So about three months after swearing in, I opened my own Law Office from my apartment. I also started volunteering at a Public Interest organization. Later I made an arrangement with that organization, so that they allowed me to use their office space, technology, and personnel to maintain the affairs of my personal office, in return for my \"volunteer\" services. Right as I was conducting an initial interview of my tenth client, I received a job offer on my answering machine. Turning the client away was the hardest thing I had to do. She was going to give me a retainer that would have supported me and my office for a couple of months. She was begging for me to take the retainer, but I had to refuse. A week later, I accepted employment at a Tax Corporation. As a result, now I have very little time to interview, so please give me ample time in advance. As a legal caviat, I am not giving up any rights to this story. Please do not use this story without informing me and obtaining my written consent. I do not authorize the use this story, or my name, in any manner, without my written consent. Thank you for all of your advice and inspiration.
My name is Rebecca Thompson. I live in Aurora, Illinois. About four years ago (2005), I thought I was set for life in my legal secretary job. I was working in a small personal injury law firm for two of the four partners – one of them being the youngest attorney. Although there was occasional tension in the office, for the most part, things were busy, harmonious and stable. Then I started noticing things – lots of discussions behind closed doors; attorneys who never ate going to “lunch” together; tension building between the four partners. I was in the process of selling my house and looking for a new one (since my husband was becoming more disabled and we needed a ranch-style house with no stairs), and this unusual behavior was making me nervous. I spoke with the younger partner a few times but he evaded my inquiries. This was extremely unusual, as we were, I thought, fairly close friends in addition to being co-workers. In October, the older partner called me into his office and closed the door. He explained to me that one of the other attorneys was leaving the firm at the end of the year and there was a good chance the youngest partner would accompany him to the new firm. The older partner said he and the oldest partner would remain in the current office space for a year to wind down the practice and he offered to allow me to stay on for that year at my current salary. At that point, I accepted. However, I knew I would need to find another job sometime. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving in 2006, I received the dreaded news – as of January 1, 2007, I would be put to part-time status and would need to start looking for a job. I had known this was coming, but it still hurt. The economy was just starting to go sour and I had just turned 50. I began searching websites like CareerBuilder and Monster as well as looking in the local papers and putting the word out (networking). I attended job fairs and printed resumes to color-coordinate with the suits I was wearing to the job fairs and interviews. Although I considered this time an opportunity to “reinvent” myself and had saved enough money to be unemployed full-time (I still had my part-time job at the local library), I was still nervous and worried. My husband was not well and his medical expenses were very high (prescription drugs and dialysis). My mother was not well either. I knew I had to find something soon and nearby to our house. My dad, also an attorney, offered to find things for me to do at his office, but I knew he had a full staff and besides, I felt I needed to devote myself full-time to my job search. I had a few interviews and felt with my bachelor’s degree in Spanish I had a fairly good chance to find a job locally. Despite my excellent references, and legal secretarial background, I did not get one of the positions I had hoped for. It was devastating. But still, I persisted. In early February, 2007, I saw an ad in the local paper. I immediately faxed my resume (it was Friday) and called Monday to make sure the attorney had received it and to tell him I felt I was perfect for the job. He called me later that week and set up an interview. At the interview, we bonded over the fact that I had a disabled husband and he had a disabled daughter. When he asked when I could start, I told him I could start that afternoon! I also told him up front about my part-time job at the Library and asked if it would be possible to leave early the days I had to work there so I could keep that job. Amazingly, despite all the “baggage” I had (sick husband and part-time job), the attorney called me later that week and offered me the job. I beat out 60 other applicants, one of them a former co-worker from my old firm, and I am still working with him today! I have learned a lot at this job, including Excel and Word 7 and have been introduced to different areas of law as well. I have learned not to become complacent about this job. Perseverance and selling yourself are most important and I enjoy reading your articles to reinforce that knowledge. If I should ever need to put myself on the market again, I would certainly try Law Crossing!
What do I have to do to get this asshole recruiter to stop sending me spam?
I was laid off, very suddenly, from my position at a large law firm in April 2009. Since mine was the only household income, it was a big shock, and I quickly approached panic mode -- how was I going to pay the mortgage, condo fee, utilities, groceries, car payment, etc. The severance I received was minor - and the government of course took a hefty chunk, so finding a new position was critical. I gave myself one day to grieve and wallow in self pity - and then it was on to finding a new position. I immediately checked the internet jobsites - unfortunately, some of the bigger ones kept giving me postings for Alaska, California, Florida, Texas (no matter how I tried to limit them geographically) - I live in Connecticut, and even though it was hit hard economically, I really had no wish to move away from family and friends at a time when I needed the support structure. Then I consulted with friends in the legal profession, and was referred to several excellent legal job search sites. However, it was networking the old-fashioned way that found me my new position - that and the willingness to step outside my own comfort zone and try something new. For a couple of years I have belonged to the Central Connecticut Paralegal Association; I\'ve enjoyed the monthly programs they present, and the information they\'ve shared regarding jobs, CLE, pro bono opportunities, and practice in areas of law with which I was not familiar. Through my friends at the CCPA I heard about a temporary position at a small law firm specializing in employment discrimination law. It was an area I found interesting, although I had little exposure to it - my background was in corporate law and personal injury litigation. I knew a little about employment law and discrimination law from law school years before, but had never actually worked in those fields. Plus, it was a temporary position, and I really needed something permanent. However, I decided to apply, since the temporary pay had to be better than unemployment, it would expand my field of knowledge and experience, and if I worked hard, I might get a great reference along with the additional listing for my resume. I started the temporary position (while the permanent paralegal was out on 3-months maternity), and was immediately thrown full throttle into the world of employment discrimination and wrongful terminations. It was fascinating, challening, and very fulfilling. Working at a small law firm was also new, since I had previously only worked in corporate or large firm environments, but I found I was working with a great group of people, all of whom worked as a team. The three-month period flew by,the paralegal I was covering for returned to work, and I was asked to stay on permanently as well. I\'ve been here over a year now (if you count the temporary period) and I love the job and the group of people I work with. It\'s still challenging and fulfilling, I\'m constantly learning new things, and exploring new areas and issues in the employment field, and I now tell my friends that my former employer did me a favor by letting me go. I feel like I\'ve found my niche, which would never have happened if I hadn\'t been laid off!!
After a couple of decades floundering in legal jobs with which I was mostly unhappy, I\'ve been extremely satisfied with my work as an assistant attorney general defending difficult tax cases, some with major constitutional issues, and having a major impact on keeping my state afloat in difficult financial times. Besides the satisfaction of knowing I\'m making a positive difference, I\'m working with some really good people, I often can make a positive difference in their lives not just as a colleague but as a friend, and they respect me, which means the world to me. Though the money is much less than I made in some private sector jobs I\'m much happier and more fulfilled and though making financial ends meet is occasionally a bit tricky I\'m managing & meeting my responsibilities. The key to landing this job was twofold: 1) setting my sights on something I really like, because we tend to be good at what we like, and 2) being myself in the interview, not trying to pretend I\'m someone I\'m not, which goes over well, & which sells you if you are suited for the job. And if you AREN\'T suited, better not being there anyway.
Over 2 years and no success.
****IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS ABOUT PROJECT OF DİANA: :prencess lady diana this project, the world\'s 1.6 billion people are directly involved, HUMAN TELEVISION FEED 1.6 billion was from the DIANA DIANA DEATHSubject: About Your Book with respect in memoruy of prencess lady dina 16 june 2010 I like to this music who must to be music album mr.Ahmer ertegün atlantic music record of chairman 2006 years new york usa Dear.Brother. Harrison Barnes Esq, Refernce george w bush hello, with respectly,Thanks for e mail yesterdayI, you, thanks a lot for the care and assistance, thank you, really close.,,it can be very important for you. I had been written to important book of galller prencess lady diana,diana book name is:always shining star ın the sky,(diana) or the sun got that never sets (diana), y, important write to us!!. with reference letter President george w Bush. write to us and listren diana music demo, I.m writing to new important bopok for plane pilot ,their chıld life!!! THIS BOOK,MUSIC ALBUM ,WEB SITE,TV PROGRAM ,GALLER PRENCESS LADY DIANA PROJECT IS NUMBER ONE A PROJECT!!WHO, YOU WILL BE LOOK REAL IT. İMPORTANT:On my behalf.Please, you, american president george bush REFERENCE letter, bill clinton admitted, you say, support to 500.000 usd or 1.000.000 usd for prencess lady diana project for mr.yakup kaymaz, with reference letter george w bush letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you help to us, who, We pay 40.000 usd fourty hundred thoused for your book service!! and bodrum muğla holiday!!!! orİMPORTANT:YOU CALL TO GEORGE W BUSH IN TEXAS WHO, HELP TO prencess lady diana ,with bush reference letter!!!thanks for everthings. write to us!! yours very truly sir.yakup kaymaz writer adress:orta mh okul sk no 15/3 muttalıp tepebaşı eskisehir turkey tel: mobile and office::0090 537 404 71 61 or home:0090 222 33 80 654 (evening turkish time) e e ,with respectly,it!!!.FOR BE music album!!!!!for joın to festival. it is super music is prencess lady diana music.listen to music youtube. search: galler prencess lady diana number one music ,this news is number one a a news for you!! music and projects for the death anniversary of diane prencess lady did. Are working with a team of 62. Listen to the music of Prince Harry that his mother will cry when . we works to pprecess lady diana project for 12 years!!!!. 1.)youtube : or write this name searc: search:galler prencess lady diana number one music (diana music) 2.) or write this nam search: search:borack obama number one news ( president borack obama video) ALWAYS SHINING STAR IN THE SKY (The sun of got that never sets diana) All Beautıful come with you Love candles lif for you Lending starded with you Ardent desire ended with you We love to you , beautiful lady Eternal Always become s with you, with you,beautıful lady Dear. news editor deparment, please read all letter.1.)youtube : or write this name searc: search:galler prencess lady diana number one music (diana music) 2.) or write this nam search: search:borack obama number one news ( president borack obama video -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 may 2010 Dear.President Borack Obama, Reference 1.)Pope 16. Benediktus 2.) George W Bush Private letter!!! 3.) Republic of Turkey, Minister Prime Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. .Please accept the letter of George BUSH.(başkan bushdan gelen özel mektup aşağıdadır.) (thanks you, big Bush ) Sir.Yakup Kaymaz In response to your message titled \"DEAR. USA OF PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH, PLEASE WRITE TO US, PELASE READ TO THIS LETTER. !!!\" At: The Real Banker has replied (with title \"Bush asked me to respond to your letter.\"): Contact: Bill Clinton at (927)932-0933 and tell him that I sent you. God\'s speed! George W. Bush PS: Have you considered contacting Mr. Fidel Castro? Last I heard, he was looking for humanitarian We start with the word ‘I have a dream (Martin Luther King) in, I have a question I\'d like to start with a dream Dear.President Borack Obama Reference 1.)Pope 16. Benediktus 2.) George W Bush Private letter!!! 3.) Republic of Turkey, Minister Prime Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. We present our respect to Mr. Borack OBOMA. We apply with the letter of Geroge Bush.Bush says in his letter to give financial support for Lady Diana Project.It’s very important Project. Mr. President OBAMA please send five hundred thousand .USD financial support to Lady Diana Project. I would like to start with the word ‘ my king in, I have a dream’ We would like to say to Mr. President Ob! ama and his Assistants welcome to our country. We present our loves and respects. We apply to Mr. Obama with the letter of Old President George Bush. We wrote a letter to George Bush for the financial support for Walles Princess Lady Diana Project which is an international art,cultural and humanist, consists of book,music album,web sites and television program. In the response of Mr. Bush, He says that tell them I sent you and apply to Bill Clinton or Fidel Castro but we couln’t get any reply. Mr. Obama, Old President, George Bush sent us to you. We would like to get financial assistance for Lady Diana Project from you with the reference letter of Mr. Bush. MR. Obama, Dorrence Publishing Editorship Committee in Pennsylvania State checked our book in three weeks that we wrote for Lady Diana and decided its issuable. *We also met with Mr. Ahmet Ertegün who is the owner of Atlantic Music producer of Diana music,he also listened to Diana Music.He wrote a letter to us before and said that the music must be in an album and they liked very much. ***I sent a letter and fax to President Obama.Also we wrote a letter to George Bush and he replied. ***Lady Diana Project is a very important Project.It’s important for England,Israel,Turkey,Europe and all of the world.It’s a Project that is presented for the world.Turkey has a Grand potential of tourism and it will contribute to Turkey’s tourism and cultural presentation. ***Turkey and Turkey tourism can be advertised with Lady Diana Cultural Project.Also Amrican senators replied letters.Laig Craigh,American Senator Evan Bayh,American Senator Lady Diana Legent,American Senator Virginia Senator,George Allen wrote specific support letters for Lady Diana Project.I present these letters.A specific letter arrived to us from Yacaav Getino Israel Masterly television for Lady Diana Project to make documentary.I also present this letter. Eventually I want World Leader American President Barack Obama to bear a ha! nd fort his prpject.I think this Project is very important.I absolutely await a reply from him.We make a wish fort he relationships between two countries shall be good always.We present our respect and love and thank you very much. The previous President Bush approved the financial support that amounts -Five hundred thousand- USD for Diana Project.We request Mr Barack Obama to approve sending this support. Yours very truly Sir.yakup kaymaz Writer Galler prencess lady diana Project of Director. E E Address:orta mh okul sk no 15/3 Tepebaşı eskisehir turkey We love to Diana and all people of world. TEL.0090 537 404 71 61 FAX:0090 222 33 80 654 Yakup Kaymaz: After graduated from Anadolu University Faculty of Social Studies, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Administration. sir.yakup, right now, is working at the university graduate students working in units He has been continuing his studies on the Diana project with his group for 11 years. He al! so made researches on politics, economy, law, art, culture in the library of the university. Yakup Kaymaz read many pieces of American, English, Israel, Rome, and philosophers, as well. sir.yakup currently is preparing for postgraduate exams. p.s how ever, please wtach .com , 13 nisan 2010 zuhal topal izdivaç, ,on 1 part, please watch to me from after, belgeum girl, I explaın to project of prencess lady diana on star tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: About Your Book with respect in memoruy of prencess lady dina 16 june 2010 I like to this music who must to be music album mr.Ahmer ertegün atlantic music record of chairman 2006 years new york usa Dear., Refernce george w bush hello, with respectly,Thanks for e mail and your telephone yesterdayI, you, thanks a lot for the care and assistance, thank you, really close.,,it can be very important for you. I had been written to important book of galller prencess lady diana,diana book name is:always shining star ın the sky,(diana) or the sun got that never sets (diana), y, important write to us!!. with reference letter President george w Bush. write to us and listren diana music demo, I.m writing to new important bopok for plane pilot ,their chıld life!!! THIS BOOK,MUSIC ALBUM ,WEB SITE,TV PROGRAM ,GALLER PRENCESS LADY DIANA PROJECT IS NUMBER ONE A PROJECT!!WHO, YOU WILL BE LOOK REAL IT. İMPORTANT:On my behalf.Please, you, american president george bush REFERENCE letter, bill clinton admitted, you say, support to 500.000 usd or 1.000.000 usd for prencess lady diana project for mr.yakup kaymaz, with reference letter george w bush letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you help to us, who, We pay 40.000 usd fourty hundred thoused for your book service!! and bodrum muğla holiday!!!! orİMPORTANT:YOU CALL TO GEORGE W BUSH IN TEXAS WHO, HELP TO prencess lady diana ,with bush reference letter!!!thanks for everthings. write to us!! yours very truly sir.yakup kaymaz writer adress:orta mh okul sk no 15/3 muttalıp tepebaşı eskisehir turkey tel: mobile and office::0090 537 404 71 61 or home:0090 222 33 80 654 (evening turkish time) e e ,with respectly,it!!!.FOR BE music album!!!!!for joın to festival. it is super music is prencess lady diana music.listen to music youtube. search: galler prencess lady diana number one music ,this news is number one a a news for you!! music and projects for the death anniversary of diane prencess lady did. Are working with a team of 62. Listen to the music of Prince Harry that his mother will cry when . we works to pprecess lady diana project for 12 years!!!!. 1.)youtube : or write this name searc: search:galler prencess lady diana number one music (diana music) 2.) or write this nam search: search:borack obama number one news ( president borack obama video) ALWAYS SHINING STAR IN THE SKY (The sun of got that never sets diana) All Beautıful come with you Love candles lif for you Lending starded with you Ardent desire ended with you We love to you , beautiful lady Eternal Always become s with you, with you,beautıful lady Dear. news editor deparment, please read all letter.1.)youtube : or write this name searc: search:galler prencess lady diana number one music (diana music) 2.) or write this nam search: search:borack obama number one news ( president borack obama video -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 may 2010 Dear.President Borack Obama, Reference 1.)Pope 16. Benediktus 2.) George W Bush Private letter!!! 3.) Republic of Turkey, Minister Prime Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. .Please accept the letter of George BUSH.(başkan bushdan gelen özel mektup aşağıdadır.) (thanks you, big Bush ) Sir.Yakup Kaymaz In response to your message titled \"DEAR. USA OF PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH, PLEASE WRITE TO US, PELASE READ TO THIS LETTER. !!!\" At: The Real Banker has replied (with title \"Bush asked me to respond to your letter.\"): Contact: Bill Clinton at (927)932-0933 and tell him that I sent you. God\'s speed! George W. Bush PS: Have you considered contacting Mr. Fidel Castro? Last I heard, he was looking for humanitarian We start with the word ‘I have a dream (Martin Luther King) in, I have a question I\'d like to start with a dream Dear.President Borack Obama Reference 1.)Pope 16. Benediktus 2.) George W Bush Private letter!!! 3.) Republic of Turkey, Minister Prime Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. We present our respect to Mr. Borack OBOMA. We apply with the letter of Geroge Bush.Bush says in his letter to give financial support for Lady Diana Project.It’s very important Project. Mr. President OBAMA please send five hundred thousand .USD financial support to Lady Diana Project. I would like to start with the word ‘ my king in, I have a dream’ We would like to say to Mr. President Ob! ama and his Assistants welcome to our country. We present our loves and respects. We apply to Mr. Obama with the letter of Old President George Bush. We wrote a letter to George Bush for the financial support for Walles Princess Lady Diana Project which is an international art,cultural and humanist, consists of book,music album,web sites and television program. In the response of Mr. Bush, He says that tell them I sent you and apply to Bill Clinton or Fidel Castro but we couln’t get any reply. Mr. Obama, Old President, George Bush sent us to you. We would like to get financial assistance for Lady Diana Project from you with the reference letter of Mr. Bush. MR. Obama, Dorrence Publishing Editorship Committee in Pennsylvania State checked our book in three weeks that we wrote for Lady Diana and decided its issuable. *We also met with Mr. Ahmet Ertegün who is the owner of Atlantic Music producer of Diana music,he also listened to Diana Music.He wrote a letter to us before and said that the music must be in an album and they liked very much. ***I sent a letter and fax to President Obama.Also we wrote a letter to George Bush and he replied. ***Lady Diana Project is a very important Project.It’s important for England,Israel,Turkey,Europe and all of the world.It’s a Project that is presented for the world.Turkey has a Grand potential of tourism and it will contribute to Turkey’s tourism and cultural presentation. ***Turkey and Turkey tourism can be advertised with Lady Diana Cultural Project.Also Amrican senators replied letters.Laig Craigh,American Senator Evan Bayh,American Senator Lady Diana Legent,American Senator Virginia Senator,George Allen wrote specific support letters for Lady Diana Project.I present these letters.A specific letter arrived to us from Yacaav Getino Israel Masterly television for Lady Diana Project to make documentary.I also present this letter. Eventually I want World Leader American President Barack Obama to bear a ha! nd fort his prpject.I think this Project is very important.I absolutely await a reply from him.We make a wish fort he relationships between two countries shall be good always.We present our respect and love and thank you very much. The previous President Bush approved the financial support that amounts -Five hundred thousand- USD for Diana Project.We request Mr Barack Obama to approve sending this support. Yours very truly Sir.yakup kaymaz Writer Galler prencess lady diana Project of Director. E E Address:orta mh okul sk no 15/3 Tepebaşı eskisehir turkey We love to Diana and all people of world. TEL.0090 537 404 71 61 FAX:0090 222 33 80 654 Yakup Kaymaz: After graduated from Anadolu University Faculty of Social Studies, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Administration. sir.yakup, right now, is working at the university graduate students working in units He has been continuing his studies on the Diana project with his group for 11 years. He al! so made researches on politics, economy, law, art, culture in the library of the university. Yakup Kaymaz read many pieces of American, English, Israel, Rome, and philosophers, as well. sir.yakup currently is preparing for postgraduate exams. p.s how ever, please wtach .com , 13 nisan 2010 zuhal topal izdivaç, ,on 1 part, please watch to me from after, belgeum girl, I explaın to project of prencess lady diana on star tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was a success...I was successfully scammed by your bullshit site on 9/3/2009. The most brilliant part: you used Labor Day, the holiday dedicated to fucking labor, i.e. workers, to effectively shorten a 7 day free trial into a 3 day trial, followed by a long weekend, and a charge of $29.95 that your foreign, outsourced workers vigorously defended your right to hang on to. So congratulations, I successfully became the sucker US worker still trying to make it while you outsource your jobs to the third world. I certainly hope to one day have success against you and your organization as a member of the plaintiff\'s class.
If You are really interested (and there is some doubt on my part on that assumption) I suggest you go to my web site: Have a nice day!
The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we\'d make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it\'s breathtaking- I highly suggest you try it.
The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we\'d make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it\'s breathtaking- I highly suggest you try it.
The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we\'d make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it\'s breathtaking- I highly suggest you try it.
My 20-year career as a Director-level tax consultant with Deloitte concluded at the end of 2008. While I met the \"retirement age\" qualification, I did not meet the financial sufficiency qualification. So, what did the next phase of my working life hold in store for me? I really didn\'t know, but I explored consulting firm, in-house and law firm alternatives, not in any particular order and not with any particular focus. That scattered form of job hunting occupied 2-3 months of effort with no offers to show for it and no prospects in sight. I finally wised up and developed a more focused marketing plan for myself, along with a better branded resume. I was fortunate in having a close friend who handles lawyer recruiting assist me in honing and professionally developing my better resume. I learned that I may be an outstanding attorney/consultant, but I was not great at resume writing, other than the boring kind. (Although the resume doesn\'t get you the job, it does provide a prospective employer, who\'s reviewing hundreds [if not thousands] of applicants, with an opportunity to look at a candidate who has positively differentiated himself or herself.) My marketing plan included an identification and analysis of viable (for me) legal and consulting firm employers in selected cities and an expansion and more effective utilization of my network of contacts...even more than that, I reached out more to my contacts for help-introductions to prospective employers and other potential contacts I wanted to meet. I used Law Crossing and Hound for spotting opportunities with organizations whcih interested me and for which I knew I could bring value. Once I identified an organization, rather than just send a resume, I homed in on the practice area that I\'d be looking at and reviewed the bios of the practitioners, including the practice leader. I then would target one of the partners (perhaps the practice leader) for a phone conference. In essence, it was an opportunity for each of us to engage in an intitial phone screen. Many of the positions I sought were outside the state Iin which I reside (Michigan) and although the partners were cordial and helpful, most did not want to go beyond the phone interview, particularly because relocation would have been involved. Nevertheless, I honed my interviewing skills and my instincts about connecting with the kind and quality of people with whom I wanted to associate. (On a sidebar note, through this process, I was able to find the perfect position for a good friend-both the firm and the attorney are thrilled.) Finally, I received a call from someone I had known for a number of years- a partner at the firm where I\'m now a partner. He had been sent my resume by an informal ad hoc cummunity jobs organization and asked if I was interested in talking. Needless to say, I said \"sure\". During the interview process, including our intial breakfast conversation, I interviewed with 15 of the firm\'s partners (the firm employs 100+ attorneys) over several days and put together a draft of a buseiness/marketing plan. In less than 2 months from my breakfast discussion to the day I started with the firm, an amazingly compressed process in these challenging times. I feel fortunate to have landed an excellent position with an outstanding firm where the cul;ture was a perfect fit for me. The hard work in preparing and understanding the employment environment was invaluable and totally necessary. There are plenty of people out there who can and are willing to just need to ask.
My story is incredibly unique. It is about how I got involved in the entertainment industry without an Ivy League law degree, being on law review, rich parents or relatives/friends in the entertainment industry. Throughout my life, I debated between pursuing an entertainment career or being a lawyer. I chose the legal field since I already know what it\'s like to not have money and figured that would be less of a gamble than trying to be an actor, singer or model. While attending law school in CT, I took Entertainment Law and my professor had worked in LA for a while before being a lawyer. Back in the 80s, she was a PA on Family Ties. She told us that the best way to get into entertainment was to take an internship, paid or unpaid. That\'s exactly what I did when I moved to NYC. I planned for the possibility of job hunting so I had the luxury to take unpaid internships. I scoured Craig\'s List on the advice of a family friend and ended up landing 3 positions but taking 2. One was with an indie film production company that seemed to have a bright future. At first I was hesitant to go to the interview since the company was in NJ and I was concerned about having to travel there. However, I chose to attend anyway for the sake of professionalism. The day of the interview, there had been lots of storms in NYC & NJ and a massive shutdown of public transit. I was a 30 minute walk away from the interview site so I walked. The people interviewing me were hours late due to massive traffic jams from the transit mishap. At this group interview where about 25-30 people were expected, only I & 1 other person who also lived in walking distance showed up. Because I was the only JD to apply for an internship and I had shown up despite the transit problems, I was named the CEO\'s Executive Assistant and asked to do management work such as interviewing the other intern candidates. A few months later, the CEO decided to restructure the company. During my tenure as Executive Assistant, I performed typical Executive Assistant duties but also did things such as getting the company\'s LLC papers from the business attorney who had dragged his feet for over a year and still not handed them over. My knowledge of the grievance process and general law firm procedure obtained from a law school internship allowed me to ask about things that others weren\'t aware of. I also became the person who translated the legalese for the creative people since I\'m also a creative person. I\'m pretty sure this is what inspired the CEO to name me as a partner in the company & promote me to the title of Legal/Executive Administrator. Now the company has 2 films that have received North American distribution deals, is garnering a higher public profile and I have been told by the CEO that my presence was a factor in making the company more legitimate to others and in the company\'s increasing success. I\'m still with that company and even get the opportunity to flex my creative muscle & not just be \"the lawyer.\" I\'m the redhead in the pic.
I have no success story to tell about. I\'ve been unemployed for 20 months now and have nothing good to say about the internet. They keep changing the game plan and we all have to keep chaning our resumes and cover letters and trying to sound really great trying to figure out how to beat out thousands of other people wanting the same job. And getting put down at the same time.
Stop sending me emails you creepy loser.
Stop sending me emails you creepy loser.
I was searching for a transactional legal position within the entertainment and media industries, preferably related to intellectual property protection. I was utilizing all of the most popular job search sites and headhunters in the New York City area. However, I was not having much luck with those approaches. Therefore, I started to think more simply and directly. I simply googled search terms like \"entertainment lawyer, new york\" and proceeded to aggressively email every single hiring partner, human resources director, and founding partner of every relevant firm. I would then follow up with a call and attempt to speak with the addressee of my original email. Out of the hundreds of emails and phone calls I performed, I began a emailing back and forth with the founding partner of a transactional law firm in the media and technology industries. Since my area of specialization is often directly related to particular personal interests, including music, art, technology and fashion, I began casually discussing these topics with the founding partner. When a position opened up at the firm a few months later, I was called in for an interview. Since that time, I have been working at the firm for over two years.
When I was in search of my last job I decided that, now that I have a few decades of working experience under my belt, I should trim my resume.
I made a few lists. The first was what I have done. The second is what skills I have and the third is what am I looking for now. after that I took my wish list for jobs that I may want to get. Looking at it side by side with my list of skills that I have I crossed out the skills that I do not need to include for this type of position and also the skills that overlap. For example:
if I had down that I used Microsoft Office Professional listed as a skill then I could essentially remove Excel as it is part of the Office Professional family. The exception is Access, this I left on the list by itself to emphasize that I worked in databases.
Then I took the jobs that I have held in the past and crossed out all of the ones that I did not include in my skills list. Again, if I worked at a newspaper and I just did proofreading and that skill is not needed for the positions that I am applying for then I do not need to include that job at all.
I brushed up on my interview techniques. I have a resume program that has practice interview videos with real life questions and sample answers that you can take some time to prepare with. Of course you never know what you are going to be asked in an interview, you can at least have some idea of what might come up.
I went through my wardrobe and choose three outfits in advance. One for each level of interviews that I may have to attend. I picked out all the accessories to accompany those outfits as well as the purse, wallet or briefcase that I would need to take with me.
I made sure that I would have things that I would need to use during the interview, pen, paper, notebook, index cards, and if working as a contractor, my business cards.
If I know that the position would probably require an ID card then I try to come with a few 2x2 photos on a solid white background that I could give them right away to expedite my getting an ID card.
I make sure that I take down names of anyone I interviewed with or will be working with if I was hired in. I would like the potential employer to know that I will be ready and/or prepared the minute I start.
Finally I get my hair done, my teeth cleaned and, if the mood hits me, a manicure and a pedicure if I am to wear open toed sandals.
I schedule my interviews at least two to three days in advance to give me that time to prepare. Longer if travel is needed.
The day before the interview I make sure to keep stress to a minimum so that I will be relaxed during the interview.
If I really want the job preparation is the key. This is how I landed my last few jobs.
My name is Sam L. When I first moved to the area, I was working full time in the evenings in a temporary position (working toward the possibility of a permanent position) and I had a lot of free flexible time during the days, so I decided to seek out some volunteer work. I went to the local public library and asked if they would like someone to read to kids or to the elderly, shelve books or help with other programs. They granted me an informal interview and took my contact information. When the regular summer reading program director had to have emergency surgery, they called and asked if I would consider conducting their children\'s\' summer reading program for seven weeks, two days per week. I accepted, quickly learned how to do this enjoyable task, and had a great time with the children and the program during that time. I found that a lot of my obscure skills and talents not to mention previous work experience came in very handy during this time. At the end of the summer program, the director called me into his office and said that in the future possibly two years or so they would be seeking a full time librarian for a brand new branch. Although I had no degree in Library Science, they said I was qualified, due to previous experience with library work in college, teaching experience and other qualifications that lent to my ability to support the position. They made it clear that the position required a certain kind of personality as well as skill set and they thought I would be ideal for the position. They said they hoped that I would consider the position when the time came. I told them I was unsure about anything that far in the future, but I was honored to be asked and if I was still in the area when the position came open, I would apply. Two years later, I was working full time at a different job, and was keeping an eye out for something a little more serious, with benefits, when someone from the library contacted me and told me that the position was being advertised and asked if I would submit an application. I did and I was hired right away. I got to help organize and build the system for the brand new branch, train volunteers, conduct the children\'s programming, and was sent to Seattle for specialized computer training so that I could be up to date on that important aspect of the job. I maintained the position for five years, despite my lack of degree, and when I decided to leave, it was because I was ready to pursue my art full time and was in a position to be able to try to do so. I have found that with every job I\'ve had, they\'ve appreciated someone with a wide variety of skills, including the ability to deal well with people of all ages.
Sam Lovelace
\"How I got my last full time job:
I had just finished my third semester at college and was looking for money to support myself through summer and start working off the student loans I had built up throughout my time at school. At the time I had a part time job cooking in a restaurant, but I needed to work somewhere where I could pick up some more hours. Throughout high school I had acquired a number of different computer certifications so I was hoping to get a job doing networking or computer repair. I applied as an IT technician at a few different places in the city where I grew up, but sadly most of the certifications I spent so much effort getting had expired. Since computer science is always upgrading and changing, it turns out after you\'re certified you have to get re certified every two years to keep up with the times. A high school friend of mine had a job at an orthopedics laboratory helping design shoe insoles for people who had really bad feet and needed prescription insoles for their shoes. I was a bit nervous, because I had never held a full time job before but the work seemed interesting and my friend seemed happy with his job so I went ahead and applied. I was hired immediately on the spot, and was able to start training that next day. I started doing a lot of the work everybody else didn\'t want to do, like inventory, sweeping, and cutting raw materials that the insoles were composed of. Eventually I started learning more about the design, and a lot of the work was done on computers, so it came naturally to me. The job was great, I was getting 9 or more hours a day and often working overtime on the weekends so I could desperately horde money for the coming school year that was looming overhead. By the end of that summer I was able to pretty much run the factory floor, but since the job was in the metro Detroit area, and I was in college on the other side of the state I had to let the job go at the end of the summer. I was able to save up so much money working for the orthopedic laboratory that I was able to pay off my whole year of college without going into debt or taking out loans, or even touching a credit card. I left the job on very good terms and when I come home on breaks the president of the company, Betterform Orthopedics encourages me to come back in and work. I look forward to going back and working for the company next summer when I go home, and have since switched my college major from computer science to business and world economics. My plans are to graduate from college next year and go back to this company, but work instead on a more corporate level and try to use what I learn in school to bring the company to even higher levels.
My name is Jake Hickory, this link contains a picture of me from about a year ago when I went to prom with my high school sweetheart.
When I began looking for a new job, I was pretty desperate. That put me in the right mood to be proactive and get things done. Following all the advice from friends and everything I knew, I updated my wardrobe so I could be presentable on the market during the job search process; I updated my resume, and had it looking nice, all neat on one page that I would take to local businesses. I also tried the classifieds as well as online resume sites and websites that allowed you to search for jobs. I had a business degree and was looking into sales, but a lot of the places I went weren\'t hiring. I began to redouble my efforts. I called old friends from college and asked if they knew anything about the market and where to look. I got a few leads from the websites I posted my resume to, but those were all dead ends for one reason or another. After a few weeks of calling people I have networked with, I had a few leads, but still ultimately, most of those dwindled. I kept at it. I looked to broader markets hoping that I could get a job in the city, even if it meant having to commute. Luckily, I found a few hopeful businesses in Nashville from a close friend of mine I graduated and had worked with previously. After a few rounds of interviews with three companies, two of which passing on me, a record label hired me after much persistence and checking in for a two-week period. I worked there for a year before they began to experience troubles due to the recent economic downturn as well as decline in CD sales due to electronic vendors such as iTunes, the company began to cut back. Support staff voted on a 10% pay cut, and a lot of the perks were tightened. Times were stressful, but at least I had my job still. A few executives also as a model decided to cut salaries back. Everyone was feeling a crunch, and we began to not make budget in the Q3 since I worked there. As a precaution, each department was instructed to rework their operational budgets to 85% until we see some turn around. Changing the company budget would require a board of trustees meeting, so as a sign of good faith and stewardship, each department began to spend only 85%. Some support staff was laid off in the next quarter, and I found out that my department was merging with another to help the constraints on the company to cut overhead due to personnel. I was always a good worker and pulled my weight, but I hadn\'t made tenure yet, so I was on the list of provisional employment to be laid off if it got severe enough. Sure enough, at the end of the quarter, I got my pink slip and a negotiated severance package. I wasn\'t stiffed, and there were no hard feelings, I\'m just a victim of the times.
William Seagrove
Hi. My name is Nuno Macedo and I used to work for a construction company called Acoril in the managing department. I first started working there in 1990 and ended up being unemployed in 2006.
I didn\'t get the job easily. First, I found an open appliance in the newspaper. I answered that ad by sending my cv to the address they had specified. I was thrilled when I found out I had been accepted to go on a interview. It was my first job after I finished college so I was very nervous.
The day of my interview came and everything went fine I suppose. I got there on time, I could answer to all the questions (family questions, my own profile as a person, my ambitions and availability, etc.) and I didn\'t mess up anything. By the end of the interview they said they would call. After hearing this I felt frustrated. I thought I hadn\'t been chose and that I had to start looking for a new job. However, one week later I got a call from their secretary asking me if I could show up for a new interview two days later. As a matter of fact, I couldn\'t since it was my mom\'s birthday (may God have her in the peace that she deserves) and I had told her I would take her shopping in that afternoon and buy everything she wanted or liked. But, since this was big opportunity I said I could of course. I hung up and called my mom right away telling her the good news (the job!!) and the bad news (we couldn\'t go out but we could managed another day). Once again I showed up on time for the interview and I was a little bit surprised when they walked me to another room other than the previous one. They tested my IQ. It went well if we forget the math\'s of it. When I finished I was very tired of so much thinking but I still got interviewed. They asked several things and aspects about co-working and how much would I liked to be paid for example. Then I left, after they said they would call. Again… Three days later (on Monday) I got the call telling I could start working that same day!
The story about how I lost my job isn\'t that pretty nor naïve. In fact, there isn\'t much to it. Since 2003 that the company (an excellent state of the art company by the way) had been living like one major company in Europe without increasing their gains. In fact, it was the other way around. The gains were diminishing. Several warnings were sent to the company and to the management department but nothing was ever done. Nothing until I got fired with a notice saying they had to tie up the budget, which means, firing people. I could still understand if it was a small company or if the week before I got fired I didn\'t see three new Mercedes (expensive cars) being given to some employees for good performance.
Well, now I\'ve got another job, but that\'s another task.
I was working as a community outreach specialist for a rape crisis center in Denver, CO in 2002. It was a difficult job, which required me to go door to door within certain neighborhoods in order to try to raise money for the center. While it was noble work, it was difficult, particularly in the dead of winter when it was freezing cold out. I wanted something more, but needed the income I was making at the crisis center. I found my full-time career quite by accident.
My future husband and I were looking for an apartment. We walked into a leasing office, and I was chatting with the leasing associate about my job, and indicated I was unhappy there and wanting something else. She was thrilled that I was looking for work somewhere else because judging by my personality and appearance, she thought I would be an excellent candidate to work in the field of property management. Thanks to her, I got my foot in the door for a referral into the property management business.
The following day, I interviewed at the property management headquarters, and was hired almost immediately. I began my lucrative career in property management at that time. While I was initially merely a leasing associate, I was a quick study and was able to retain the necessary knowledge required in the property management field to make it obvious that I was a natural at the work.
I remained in the business for several years, gaining more and more credibility and respect as I moved up through the ranks. I started as a leasing associate at a large apartment complex, and was moved up to an assistant manager within two years. After another two years, I had been promoted, yet again, to property manager. I also achieved records for the most apartment leases signed in the course of a month. It was fantastic while it lasted.
After several years, I decided to give up the property management career. My son was chronically ill, and was a frequent patient at the hospital. He required around the clock care, and I wasn\'t able to devote the time and energy necessary to provide him with the care he needed while I was working full time. I was also expecting a second child. At that point, I decided my place was going to be at home with my children. I gave the property management company proper notice, and in October of 2006, I left my full-time career to pursue a life as a stay-at-home mom and wife.
Being a stay-at-home mom is a decision I have never regretted. While the dual income was nice in order to be able to provide certain luxury items and lavish gifts to my spouse and my children, I find it much more rewarding to be at home. I miss the real world from time to time, but overall, I am satisfied with the work I have done in the past, and the work I am doing now.
name: Rachael Pineiro
There is nowhere for me to attach a photo with this submission...I am unsure how to proceed with that portion of this task.
I got my last full time job through the UW-Madison Engineering Career Services (ECS) career fair. Every year my university hosts two career fairs where employers are invited to meet students. A list is provided to the students detailing the employers, their locations, and what majors they are looking for. I narrowed this list down to a few employers that I was most interested in pursuing. These were mostly manufacturing engineering positions in the Midwest area. I met with the representatives from the companies I was interested in, and discussed the job requirements as well as my qualifications. While conducting these mini interviews I would place an emphasis on my greatest skills, and experiences as I thought they pertained to the position available. If I thought that the employer was interested in me as a potential employee I would give them my resume and discuss in more detail my credentials. At the same time I would ask more detailed questions about job responsibilities, and opportunities. Once I had talked to all of the people on my list I continued to talk to other employers whose companies appealed to me. I used the same techniques as before when talking to these people.
After meeting with all of the employers that I was interested in, I narrowed my list down again to those I thought were interested in me, and those that I was most interested in. To determine this final list I looked at many different criteria, but my main criteria where: amount of hands on work, compensation (both monetary and benefits), location (including moving expenses), as well as my gut feeling from talking to the representatives. ECS sets up the career fair in such a way that the employers can either contact you for an interview, or set up general interview times that people can sign up for. I cross-referenced my list with the list of employers offering sign ups for interviews, and scheduled interviews with the available companies. I had to wait for the rest to call me back and set up an interview (about half of them did).
By the end of all of the career fair activities I was scheduled for interviews with four different companies at the campus interview suite. On the day of each actual interview I took plenty of time before hand to get dressed nicely (dress pants, shirt, and tie), and to think up some possible interview questions. I practiced answers to the basic questions like: describe a situation where you had to take a leadership role, describe a situation where you had to deal with a client, describe a situation where you had to give a presentation or proposal, etc. In addition to thinking about these basic questions I also thought about what specific skills and experiences I have that directly relate to the job. Most of the jobs I was applying for were manufacturing engineering jobs of some sort or another so I thought about how to talk about my experiences with metalworking, and 3D modeling.
After thoroughly preparing it was time for the actual interview process. I met each of the employers in turn, introducing my self and making sure to give a firm confident handshake. During the interview process I did my best to stay calm, and take the time to answer each question as effectively as possible. I found it quite beneficial to try and find some personal characteristic or activity that was common ground, so you could build a personal relationship with the interviewer.
Once all was said and done I was left with offers to work at two different companies. One was a local company, and these other would require me to relocate 10 hours away from home. In the end I choose the position farther away from home because I decided the opportunities I would have outweigh the negative of relocation.
Hi, my name is Srdjan.
Before I started as very loyal employee on my last full time job, I was very, very disappointed in my current job position in that very moment. My job, in previous company, firm actually, was to sell and to mount hardware into PC cases. I was working as hardware technician and a merchant in the same time. The reason that I quit with that kind of job was because of very poor payment, and the lack of free days. So, one day, I have decided that there is nothing else needed for me to make some change but very strong will, and it appeared that I was right. In the meantime, I have heard that one of our local Internet Service Providers are looking for a new worker, so I went there, I told my next boss who am I, what I have done so far, what I know, what I have learned, and that actually did for me. No degree or any other paper was necessary to get in. Only a matter of thrust. After the conversation with the new boss, I went back to the firm where I still was employee, than I immediately asked for vacation. That was very, very shocking for the greedy boss of mine, where he told me that I have no rights for something like that, even after one whole year of hard work.. Can you imagine that? Right after, I have reached one lawyer who told me everything correctly about my rights and so on, and on. Than, I wrote my demand on the blank piece of paper and gave that paper with complete, short suit/inquiry, where (still) current boss had to agree. After he signed that, I was on my way to spend 20 working days of my vacation. When the vacation was over, I went to the firm to pick up my papers, the rest of the stuff I had, left-over payment and to quit. All of that went without difficulties. Now, during the 20 day vacation period, I wasn\'t able to sit still for one hour, as I didn\'t knew what is going to happen in the ISP company, where I negotiated and discussed about my new job position. Luckily, I was hired. I was in. New boss told me that we should meet once again on particular date, as we did. The day after I started. It was one major relief. Now, according to the nasty situation I was, I still believe that if I only had a little bit less the lack of faith and the will to change the job position, nothing would happen. I was very convincing, while I spoke with the new boss, it really had beautiful effect. And the thing is very, very simple. It is all about what you really want and feel when desiring something. Only truth and real wish are capable to help you in such moments. When negotiating with your new potential boss or project leader, whatever, hold your head up high, show no fear about anything, and try to be as short and precise as you can while you are expressing you your self. Fear of loosing current position, was present as I said mentioned earlier, while I was on vacation, but not while I discussed with the boss. Beside that fear, there was very great portion of my self that believed how everything is going to be just ok.
\"I graduated with a degree in robotics engineering, and was immediately hit hard by the poor economic situation. I attempted to attend as many college job fairs, community center employment fairs, and even went back to my university\'s alumni and career center for assistance. Things were looking pretty poor at that moment. I had a wife, and a young child to feed. My wife just gave birth to our lovely daughter, and she was unable to work at the moment. She had to stay home with the child, while I worked at the local grocery store. It was merely a part-time job, and I moved up quickly from the garden center to the cashier/bag boy position, and then finally to the meat department. However, working in a grocery store part-time is not my ideal consideration of an engineering job. I really wanted to put my academic talent and technical skills to an adequate use, and working in the grocery store meat department was not fulfilling. Additionally, there is a significant prospect of employment security in an engineer job than there is in my part-time meat grocer position. My co-workers were being laid off due to budget cuts, and I am generally worried that part-time employment might not be as an effective means of employment in comparison to full-time work.
So, I looked into a few head-hunters that supposedly spread the word about my resume to various local employers hiring new, slightly inexperienced, engineers. These employers, I found out, are mostly factory owners who need help with running their assembly lines. I even gained a few interviews through this process, but none of them worked to secure me a job. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to get an internship position working on assembly line production in the eastern part of Tennessee, around Knoxville. We ended up partially installing an updated assembly line, but then the company had to wait on stopping production so we could finish the job. Hence, this is another illustration of how difficult it is to find work as an engineer in these troubled times. Factories cannot stop production long enough to work on, replace, or add to their existing equipment. Less and less engineers are being hired, as a result.
I was in utter despair. What was I to do? My family was dependent upon governmental food stamps, and the Women-Infant-Children social program for our food and necessary baby materials. Plus, it was shaky if my job would even hold at the grocery store\'s meat department. Yet, I overheard the floor manager talking with someone from our corporate office looking for an engineer to oversee the warehouse shipping and receiving plant. Apparently, this plant is very close to the store and it was having some problems with running efficiently. I immediately inquired whether my services were needed for such a position. The corporate officer was thrilled, and I was granted an immediate interview of my skills and educational background. Now, I am happy to say that I have the full-time engineering position with my grocery store chain. I have medical benefits for my whole family, and no longer have to use governmental sources to support us! I haven\'t left it yet.
My last full-time job was working as an apprentice finish carpenter on Vancouver\'s upper-class West Side. I had just finished high school, and, in keeping with my nature, had totally procrastinated finding a job until after exams. Exams were in June; most of my friends had jobs by about mid-March. Not having a particularly large number of skills (my past jobs were mostly manual or education based) and wanting to spend the summer outside, I wanted to work manual labour. Unfortunately, I knew absolutely no-one who needed a day labourer for the summer. In desperation, I turned to Craigslist, a site I knew mainly for its hilarious Best of Craigslist compilations and its cheap furniture. However, the site also boasts a classifieds section where people like me could find jobs. So I entered general labour into the search and browsed through what popped up. After several days of mass emails with resumes and cover letters attached, I finally got an interview with the finish carpentry guys at one of the houses they were working on. The interview went well and I started working for them at 14 dollars an hour the next Monday, and continued to do so for the rest of the summer, netting about five grand and learning valuable skills, like how to use a tablesaw without losing any digits and how to shingle walls properly. Though the money wasn\'t great, the skills I learned and the people I worked with were definitely fair recompense, especially compared to the people I saw every day who dreaded going to work, whereas I quite enjoyed my job. When the end of the summer came around, it was time to leave the job, as I was heading to Queen\'s for university. The parting was amicable and I have kept in touch with my former boss, recently seeing him when I was home for Reading Break when he told me I could count on having my job back this summer. Ironically, the situation has changed: now my friends who were so organized last summer are scrambling for jobs in a faltering economy, but mine is safe.
Matt Cunningham
Richard Walker
My last full time job was with an Aerial Photography business in South Tampa called Aerial Innovations. I had been going to high school and taking some courses in how to function in the real world and with a job. The most recent class had been about how to behave professionally in an interview. I was excited because the interview was directly following the class so I went straight there. I had purposefully made friends with another employee there previously in the week so I could have a good word put in for me. I went for the interview and behaved accordingly; no slouching, good pronunciation, no gum-chewing, etc... There were 3 other people biding for the position so I decided to attempt to put myself at the top of the list for it. I explained that I had experience and that photography was a field I was very interested in pursuing as a career and that this would be very advantageous experience for someone in my position. I had prepared beforehand, I was dressed nicely and had combed my hair (which is a rarity for me). After the interview had concluded I asked if I could briefly tour the offices to get a good feel for the presence of the place. The office was actually a very old and rustic house that had been converted into an office and all of the main employees were upstairs. I wandered up and asked a few questions about different aspects of the work and how everyone enjoyed it, trying to be friendly but not pushy so that maybe the other employees would push for me to be the pick. Once I had concluded that I wend downstairs and thanked the person who had led my interview again for her time and asked her when would be an appropriate time to call back and check on the position. She told me a week and I thanked her and left quietly. I called her secretary (whom I had made friends with earlier in the week) and checked in daily to see if the position had been filled already, when it hadn\'t after a week I put in a call to the head honcho of the business. I asked if there had been any headway made on selecting a new employee and she said that it was going to be a tough call but that she would like me to come in for a day to see how I operated with the rest of the crew. I came in on a Thursday afternoon and did every task asked of me efficiently and with a smile, at the end of the day she asked me when I could begin working and I told her immediately if necessary. I started the next day, the only reason I left the position was due to my starting college. The college I was going to was a few hours away and it simply didn\'t make sense to commute every day, so I thanked her kindly for her time and the opportunity and carried on my way.
The world of Advertising is often seen as being a \"glamorous\" occupation, and when I graduated from college a couple years ago it was the direction I wanted to head. After starting off my post-college life living in Chicago with an internship at Ogilvy & Mather, I need to find a full-time job that included benefits and insurance, since for the first time I was on my own.
Cliché as it may be, I have found networking to often be the solution to a job search. I first found a list of all the advertising agencies in Chicago, then did a little research on each option. After I narrowed down the list of agencies, I figured out who I knew, or who I could establish a mutual friend between, that was a full-time employee at one of the selected companies. After writing and rewriting an email of introduction asking for an informal, informational interview, I then nervously awaited for replies.
I was lucky enough to have discovered a contact in the advertising agency of choice, whom I met for coffee at a Starbucks one stormy August afternoon. I talked to this young woman, only a couple years older than me but seeming infinitely more established and knowledgeable, about her experiences in the industry and any advice she may have to offer. At the end of the question and answer session, I gave her a copy of my resume and asked her to pass it on to the Human Resources department.
This personal contact, who I was able to make quite a positive impression upon, walked my resume directly to Human Resources and gave me a glowing reference. This reference in turn led up to an interview, at which point it was all up to me.
To prepare for the interview, I researched the agency and the brand for which, if hired, I would be working on. I brought printed copies of my resume, as well as a bound book of work examples I had from college and my internship. Even though it was a muggy August, I donned a full suit and professional shoes, knowing I would stand out in the casual agency environment.
I ended up being offered the job, which, at the time was my dream job at my ideal agency I was on Cloud 9! I happily began work the very next week, and dove right in to the position. My first six months at the job were incredible, but as the economy started to take a dive in the beginning of 2008 so did our client list, therefore our revenue.
My agency went through a severe rough patch that still isn\'t quite over. The first round of lay-offs took place last June, with the second wave coming in November. The reason I\'m not still with the agency is that I was a casualty in the most recent lay-offs two months ago.
So essentially, I got my first dream job through networking, charm, and a little luck, and established the foundation for a career, as well as life long friendships. I look back at this job with fond memories, and even though I was laid off, I have no bitter feelings as my first job set me up for success.
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My last full time job was working as a Lead Sales Associate / Supervisor for a company called FYE. It took four interviews to get the job. I had a phone interview with an assistant manager, a first interview with the assistant store manager, then an hour long interview with the store manager, and a relatively quick interview with both the district manager and the companies head of Loss Prevention. Having worked in retail settings prior to this job I had experience which helped me get the position. The position required me to be the stores Director of Sales which meant that any and all sales question regarding product in stock, customer questions, price overrides, and the general store layout had to pass through me. I also played a role in the training of new employees both on the sales floor and behind the cash registers. From time to time I was needed to hop on a register and ring out some customers and of course that meant offering magazines and the store rewards card to every customer even though I new most would not even think about it. Five to six days a week change orders needed to go to the bank and that was always my first task in the morning before the store opened. This involved figuring out how much change we were going to need for the day or days, bringing the cash over to the bank and coming back with the change and also grabbing our deposit slips for the prior day while I was there. I was also one of three people who new how to run our ticket sales operation. We sold tickets to concerts within a 150 mile range to mostly larger venues, but also a few smaller ones such as Lupos in Providence, the Webster in Hartford, and Toad\'s Place in New Haven. Usually about twice per month the store would conduct an offsite event. That meant that we would go to the Webster, a local theatre for concerts, with product for whatever the headlining band was and sell our merchandise which in turn gave the purchasers a chance to meet the band and get autographs. Usually we brought two or three employees for these because orchestrating the autograph signings was always a hectic job. In our company merchandising and setting planograms was a huge deal and a large undertaking. Every week we change all of our endcaps and those were planoed down to each spot. Every spot was to be a certain movie or CD. The district manager would come in once per month unannounced and do a check of the entire store\'s merchandising to make sure everything was in order. At the end I walked into work one morning and my manager told me to mark a day on my calendar which was two weeks away because that was our last official day of business. There were no signs that we were to close the store until the email from the district manager arrived that morning. When I left the job it was due to the location I was at being closed by the company and there where no transfer positions available in the area where I lived. Michael Lewit
I acquired my last full-time job through a family member that had worked for the hiring company at the time. She told me of a job with reasonably good pay, a chance for benefits and tuition reimbursement after three months, but hours that were unfavorable to most. They were hiring for the 11 AM to 8 PM slot- smack dab in the middle of the day. She slipped me the application for Administrative Assistant\' and told me to try it out anyways and since she was in good favor with the company, it might help if she chimed in a recommendation with the human resources department.
Despite the hours, I was looking for anything at the time, and since I knew someone who worked at the company, carpooling would be easy and my transportation problem would be taken care of. I filled out the application with great diligence and submitted it the same day. On my way out, I walked over to the receptionist\'s booth and asked her a couple questions about the company- How busy does it get in here? and Do you like your job? Each question to which she answered with a genuine smile as she recounted to me the interesting situations she was exposed to while working there. I walked out feeling pretty interested in the job I had applied for.
It took no longer than three days for the company to contact me requesting an interview. I jotted down the time, the place, with whom, and what to bring of the interview. I pruned and prepared my resume that night and had my clothes professionally pressed. That morning of the job interview, I felt as though I already had it. I had a pretty good idea of what the job entailed, I had more than enough previous experience related to the position, and the pay was more than I had ever earned before- and to add to that- I had a chance at earning more after three months and qualifying for great benefits and moreover, tuition- my priority at the time.
After climbing four flights of stairs, beads of sweat formed at my temples and I was finally there. I had a little case of the interview jitters, which soon abated as I met the interviewer. She talked in an uncomfortable speed and told me how she had already heard so much about me. I gave her a firm handshake to let her know I was serious business. The interview that followed was rather brusque- something I was rather unprepared for. I came through and was hired on the spot literally 5 minutes after entering the building.
I began my new job the very next week and grew to love it despite its\' daily tribulations and still, the hours. I got good at it, I asked questions, took initiative, lending my hand wherever needed and acted as a liaison between departments. I soon knew just about everyone. Just as I was on the cusp of the ending of my trial period, an uncomfortable reality set in. I was surrounded by sharks. Corporate sharks out to get everyone and willing to step on the hands and feet of everyone to get ahead. I was the babysitter. Babysitters are hardly ever liked when they dole out the discipline. It wasn\'t too long before I was told by my superiors that suddenly, I just didn\'t seem to be doing the job correctly. They were working like a well-oiled machine doing exactly what they must have done many times before-setting someone up for removal. I was pretty fed up.
There was nothing I could do at this point; I was blind sighted in a most peculiar way. Being the genuinely nice person that I am, I continued being so. I told myself if I go out, I go out fondly- not like a shark. I was still playing the game by following the rules. Soon I was called in to my boss\'s office and she told me that they were laying me off effective immediately and that my department was taking drastic cuts because of the budget and that I did not have a job tomorrow. Conveniently, I was the only one on the chopping block. She made the mistake of asking me to continue working the rest of the day. I walked out of her door and then the department door, down the four flights of stairs, and out the main entrance. I was done.
I quit my job at Adidas last week. Fuckin\' the most hardest shit I had to do being that that was my baby. I made love with that job. Listened to the most dopest mixtapes while I would work, help the most humble foreigners and the freshest kids on the block, had the most laid back, caring co-workers ever!! That\'s my second family! Top it off, I would be receiving $300 allottment every season, all Adidas gear and getting exclusive mixcd\'s from the weekend dj\'s! Say worrrrd.
But yes, all good things must come to an end and on to bigger and better thangs. I got more trefoils in my bedroom than adi dassler himself and finally had to let that go. Tay\'s comin\' out to live with me permanently and I need to get back getting paid Salary..with benefits, dig me? I got an interview for this company called Appareline, inc. which is based in NYC. They do production for a lot of leading companies in apparel for the junior sector (urban outfitters, forever 21, g by guess, wet seal, charlotte russe, etc.). I got hired on the spot, but still had to meet with Mz. Boss Bitch.
My friend and I had scheduled a photoshoot after my meeting with her. The meeting was at 1pm and Tay was suppose to be chilln\' with the photographer during my 15 minute meeting. She was suppose to link up with me at the New Mart in downtown at the lobby where my meeting was being held. Guess what fucking happends? I was getting my make-up in the trunk, got some change for the meter, was grabbing my scarf, etc. and slam my trunk shut. I put change in the meter and open the passenger side to grab my keys, phone, and resume folder. Why the fuck was that shit locked? I had 15 minutes, nah wait..10 minutes til my interview. I run into this PIMP Suit store and ask to use their dressing room. Tay runs in with me and was asking me so many irrelevant questions (example: why did u lock ur keys in ur car?) fuckn shit Tay. So yes, I\'m in the fitting room, ignoring her at this moment, trying to meditate and get my mind right while changing into professional Jennie. Out I come, holding tay\'s hand, running to the spot.
I have 2 minutes.
My girl Amelia was no where to be found. Just the security guard and pretentious bitches with their noses pointed up to the sky dilly dallying. Two things was running in my mind at that point. One, I cannot miss this fucking interview. It\'s my life. Two, I cannot leave Tay here with this rent-a-cop. So, I decided, fuck it, she\'s coming with me yo. If I don\'t get this job coz of little ole\' tay, it wasn\'t worth it anyway! I look at the directory and could not find Appareline on the damn board! I went to the bldg office, that damn lady was a bitch to the 10th power. Not only did I not have my damn phone, no one knew what the fuck Appareline was or who Janine Donen was. I had no way to call her to tell her I\'d be running late. So what I had to do was I went to every floor in which I thought it would be on no luck. Running, sweating, pulling Tay as I ran, stopped pushing the elevator \"up\" button a thousand times and look at her with the most desperate look in my eyes. I was not abt to give up. I tell her \"baby, if I don\'t get this job mommy won\'t be able to take care of u the way I would like. We seriously have to find this showroom!!!\" she looks at me in despair, almost as if tears were going to fill her eyes and tells me, \"come on moma, let\'s just use the stairs!\"
15 minutes have passed.
I\'m trying to think what other floors we must have missed. The last floor we did NOT look on was the 9th. Get off on the 9th and HOOOOOO FUCKING RAAAAAAY! It\'s the floor!!! Okay, so I pull my pencil skirt down, straighten my posture, wipe the sweat on my forehead and hold Tay\'s hand. We walk in and I tell Tay to take a seat. I see Mz. Bossy at the back on the computer and knock on the window. Its fucking 1:33pm and I am officially 33 minutes late. Fuck it, here goes.
\"Hello! I\'m Jennifer Villaruz,\" reaching out for her hand.
\"Hi,\" Janine looked so concerned. \"Are you okay?\"
\"Actually, not really. I locked my keys in my car, had no phone to call you that I would be late, locked my resume folder in my car and my friend who was suppose to watch my daughter was nowhere to be found. I\'m so sorry, but yea, my daughter\'s over there sitting down\" I start pointing and all she does is look that direction and sees Tay crawling underneath the wooden table. I\'m so nervous thinking like, fuck Tay, please don\'t break anything.
\"Oh my gosh! Please, take a seat. Don\'t worry, your okay. Does your daughter want to come over here?\"
\"No, She\'s fine.\" I said.
\"Are you sure? Do you want some sparkling water? Here, have some sparkling water. Relax. Breathe. Your fine. So how are you gonna get your key\'s out of your car?\" Janine says with the most genuine, polite voice possible. Especially towards someone who just looked totally fucking irresponsible.
\"I have AAA. Again, I\'m sorry. I just really didn\'t want to miss this interview regardless of what my situation was. I\'m late, have no resume and have my child with me!\"
\"No really, I think its actually really courageous of you. I commend you for even coming in!\"
\"Really?\" I said in complete awe.
\"Yea, really. I\'m a single mother myself and I know how hard it could be sometimes. Situations come up and I think you dealt with it in the most professional way possible.\"
Man ya\'ll, I was so fucking confused with the chain of events but was completely relieved that she was so understanding.
She tells me that her assistant interviewed almost 25 people for this job and no one impressed her as much as my resume did.
Are u kidding me? I couldn\'t believe it. At the end of our meeting, she asked me what I wanted my salary to be a year. I told her xyz would be right, along with health benefits for Tay and I. She says, Done. I also need my parking to be paid for (since its like $15 a day). Done. Guess what else she throws in? A new laptop (that I had been saving for for almost 2 years now, lol), a new camera, she\'s sending me my blackberry, sending me to new york and china next month, AND sending me clothes from her newyork showroom. Oh, and the designer I work with for her LA showroom is fucking Jeffrey Sebeila the winner of Project Runway! Hhahahah! She called Tay to the back of the showroom and what was funny was Tay had on her \"I love NY\" shirt on. Janine happends to be from new york so she was so fond of being in Tay\'s presence, asking her a million questions while Tay just mad dogs her. Jesus.
So anyway, anyone who knows me, know\'s how much I deserve this break. I hustled to survive and make rent. I would set up my jewelry anywhere! If there was a party, shit let me know! I will work the door for you! I hustled to get my jewelry in stores so at the end of the month, had that extra paper coming in. But still, I would only make barely enough. Now I\'m racking in the dough, proving to Tay\'s dad that I could do it even tho\' his bitch ass said I couldn\'t. He would tell me to move back to my parent\'s house and stop frontin\'. Well look now bitch! I\'ll pay for your car payment if you need me too!
I learned the most valuable lesson of all time. Not only is perserverance key, but having faith in yourself.
Few months later, my boss ended up being a bi-polar obsessive, compulsive freak, so I ended up leaving the company. I now collect unemployment and work on my jewelry business full time.
My last full time job was a night mare. 40 hours a week is not worth your sanity. In the summer of 2006 I found a job with a \"resort\" in Hendersonville, NC. I acquired the job through a temp. agency called Snelling. I had been working with Snelling for a few months and liked the challenge working a new job every week brought. Snelling had a good reputation for getting temporary workers jobs and I had worked several other places before. The \"resort\" used Snelling to supplement its banquet servers. I worked weddings and a few other events there before they asked me to work there. Once the manager asked me to come on board I agreed. The manager told me that they had taken care of hiring me away from Snelling. This however was a lie. I found out later that, like most things at this job, my employment was not what it seemed. First, they did not hire me from Snelling, they just told me they did. This created lots of problems between the two companies, and for me as an in-between. I am now not allowed to work at Snelling anymore due to this error. Second, they told me I would be a manager. I was only a lobby receptionist at 3 dollars less than they agreed to pay me. I answered the phones and took reservations, this was nothing like the job I had done for them at my time with Snelling. I really felt they used and abused me. Third, this was the worst company to try to work for. They never had enough help, there was always a project that was left abandoned due to money or a new project. The tennis courts ended up as a mud hole in the back and the horses ended up as half a fence around a field. I doubt that a single project was finished the six months I worked there. The chain of command was so weak that it was impossible to know who was in charge of what. The boss ran out of town all the time and would take all the money out of the petty cash box to do so. This was very suspicious behavior since he did it all the time and would never have any forewarning about it. A few of the employees suspected he was using the money for drugs. His wife and children also had free access to the box and quite often I was accused of taking money his wife had. More than a few of my pay checks bounced, this lead to all sorts of problems in my bank account. The last straw came when they were a week late with my pay check, then the bank would not cash it because it was a hand written check and there was not enough money in the account. I had the courtesy to show up on time, the least they could have done was pay me on time. I quit and never looked back.
My name is Lori Burdette
My picture is:
Work at Call Centre Support
Job Title: IT Techician
I was looking for a job within two miles of my home, and I wanted to be based around computers. I decided to search the yellow pages for Call Center and sort the results by distance from my house. I then proceeded to contact each of the respective companies to ask about potential work. The first company I called, had an opening for an IT technician a job which had not been advertised and I was invited for interview. I think that searching for a company who isn\'t currently advertising for a job makes applying for a job much easier as you don\'t have to compete with other applicants.
During the interview, the job was discussed, and I explained that I had gained experience in programming visual basic whist at university, and demonstrated some previous software written. I explained about my time as a freelance web developer, and showed examples of websites I had made using the SQL environment. These skills was required for the job, and so I was invited back to spend a day with the existing IT technician.
I explained that I would be happy to work on a two week trial period, and if I had not performed to an acceptable standard, I would happily leave the job and they could find a replacement. I think this helped me in the application process, as it meant that I would happily work on a no risk basis. Had I not been offered the job, I would have at least gained two weeks experience working in a job related to my chosen career and I think in the first two weeks of a job you learn the most about the way the company works.
During this day, I was shown how the software works and how the company created databases for call handling applications. I was shown how the call handling software routed calls to custom written visual basic programs, and how we verified the call handlers (member of staff taking the call) data entry into the software. My knowledge was questioned, and I was given a sample task to perform. Upon completion of this job, I was offered the part time position as an IT technician.
Salary was a bit of an issue, I was paid slightly above minimum wage. I decided to accept a low salary, as the only other alternative for work was bar work where I would have been paid minimum wage and had less than satisfactory working hours, and I figured gaining more experience would make job applications in the future much easier.
I would have continued to work for the company for the duration of my time at university, but unfortunately after about 6 months until the company went into administration.
Id strongly advise people to contact companies which could benefit from their skills, as this proved very useful to me. When you have little experience, being the only applicant for the post, and being prepared to accept a lower than standard salary makes the employer much more likely to offer you the post.
I was fresh out of undergraduate before I received my first full time position. Prior to exiting the academic world, I took numerous part-time positions to help pay for my education expenses. However, I was in definite need of actual full-time employment once I left school to pay loans, and living expenses. There was a point to going through all of those college classes though, and that was the small benefit of having a degree to show on your resume. My major in college was Philosophy, and philosophers have a keen ability to think about a given issue from a plurality of differing perspectives. This gives Philosophy students an advantage on the job market above others when it comes to utilizing creative and effective cognitive skills. I had known by this point that the presence of philosophy had become an essential aspect for my personal sense of satisfaction. Hence, philosophy is more than what I do in school and for fun; it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. One can be a philosopher, or so how I conceive a philosopher to be, in any sort of condition of lived-experience. No matter what level of education, job experience, or familiarity one has with the history of Philosophy, he/she is able to be called a philosopher if he/she thinks about who he/she is, what is happening the world, and where he/she is going. With this sort of optimism, I was ready to establish myself in the world as someone who is successful in her occupation. First thing was first though, I had to find a full-time job.
I assembled my resume and set up numerous interviews around town at almost every business that was hiring. I even placed my resume at business locations that were not explicitly hiring at the moment, with the hope that a position would open up soon. Weeks went by, and no word on a solid job opportunity. I had completed several interviews that I thought were successful, but ended without them calling me back for the position. Was it something that I had said or did not say? I eventually ended up looking into several employment agencies around town for a temporary position. Although the food service and retail industry did not seem very conducive to my ideal occupation, one is sometimes inclined to accept these sort of jobs in dire times. When rent is due, and bills must be paid, it is beneficial to just find any job possible. Yet, these agencies only amounted to more part-time work. I still needed full-time employment.
I went back to my undergraduate university\'s career center for assistance with finding a full-time position that I enjoyed. While I was there, I ran into an old Philosophy Department professor that I knew from my undergraduate Philosophy career. He said that he was just about to post a job opening for a full-time Research Assistant for the Philosophy Department, and that it would pay an annual staff salary. It was then that I realized that a philosophical education is not only a means to a specific occupation, but it is an end in itself. I stayed at that job for a year, and then went on to graduate school for further study in Philosophy.
Work at Call Centre Support
Job Title: IT Techician
I was looking for a job within two miles of my home, and I wanted to be based around computers. I decided to search the yellow pages for “Call Centre†and sort the results by distance from my house. I then proceeded to contact each of the respective companies to ask about potential work. The first company I called, had an opening for an IT technician – a job which had not been advertised and I was invited for interview. I think that searching for a company who isn\'t currently advertising for a job makes applying for a job much easier as you don\'t have to compete with other applicants.
During the interview, the job was discussed, and I explained that I had gained experience in programming visual basic whist at university, and demonstrated some previous software written. I explained about my time as a freelance web developer, and showed examples of websites I had made using the SQL environment. These skills was required for the job, and so I was invited back to spend a day with the existing IT technician.
I explained that I would be happy to work on a two week trial period, and if I had not performed to an acceptable standard, I would happily leave the job and they could find a replacement. I think this helped me in the application process, as it meant that I would happily work on a no risk basis. Had I not been offered the job, I would have at least gained two weeks experience working in a job related to my chosen career – and I think in the first two weeks of a job you learn the most about the way the company works.
During this day, I was shown how the software works and how the company created databases for call handling applications. I was shown how the call handling software routed calls to custom written visual basic programs, and how we verified the call handlers (member of staff taking the call) data entry into the software. My knowledge was questioned, and I was given a sample task to perform. Upon completion of this job, I was offered the part time position as an IT technician.
Salary was a bit of an issue, I was paid slightly above minimum wage. I decided to accept a low salary, as the only other alternative for work was bar work – where I would have been paid minimum wage and had less than satisfactory working hours, and I figured gaining more experience would make job applications in the future much easier.
I would have continued to work for the company for the duration of my time at university, but unfortunately after about 6 months until the company went into administration.
Id strongly advise people to contact companies which could benefit from their skills, as this proved very useful to me. When you have little experience, being the only applicant for the post, and being prepared to accept a lower than standard salary makes the employer much more likely to offer you the post.
The last full time job I had was a door-to-door electricity and natural gas price protection marketer. I had responded to an ad on craigslist promising $25 an hour with a high school degree or equivalent. They called me on the telephone after I had submitted my resume to schedule an interview but they left out any details of pay structure of job environment. The room had 20-30 people in it and they all were as uninformed as I was. A bubbling bottle blond named Carolyn came in and with bug-eyes explained to us all that if we get accepted back for a second interview we could make 3000 dollars a week. We are not told how. After Carolyn stops screeching about all of the money we can make and how quickly the almighty Universal Energy Corp. has grown since its conception 4 years ago an impotent, bald man named Brad comes in to conduct the \"interviews.\" Each interview consists of 3 questions asked in a one minute time frame. The questions are as follows: \"When can you start?\" \"Why do you think you would do well at this job?\" \"HOW IS YOUR ATTITUDE?\" After this rigid selection process concludes we are each individually told to call at 4:00 to check if we have been accepted for a \"second interview.\" This interview, as it turns out, is not exactly an interview but a 3 hour class on the inter workings of the energy industry. I see some familiar faces but the room is essentially full of 15 drastically different people. As the process finished up Carolyn showed up and we were selected one by one to be paired with a \"Team Leader.\" The \"Team Leader\" was to bring us out into the \"field\" and we were going to \"shadow them\" for the \"whole day.\" The door of the room would open and a person in a beige golf shirt with the company logo and slogan \"GIVING YOU THE POWER TO SAVE\" embroidered on it would lead the interviewee away. We were lead down to a company van filled with employees that had been there for some time before myself and driven out to the suburbs of Toronto. The day on the job consisted of knocking on suburban doors and talking residents into signing up for price protection programs. After the day we drove back to the office and the Team Leader hired me after a quick debriefing of the days events. So after doing this job for over four months and leaving on a business trip every single week started to take its toll on me. I had just been married and was spending more time with my team leader than my wife. After I had saved enough money to pay for my wife\'s student loans I started looking for other jobs. I found a job from a friend of a friend and called in sick to try it out for a day. It was another sales job and I hit it off quickly so I quit without any notice to the former job.
This is how I ended up working as a Topman on a replica 16th centaury frigate called the Grand Turk. I lived in a big town on the south east coast of the UK called Ramsgate, it\'s a busy harbour town with a marina for small yachts and an outer harbour for the fishing boats and any visiting craft. The town has a population of about 39,000 in the last census that was done in 2001 so it\'s not a small place. I had always been interested in water and boats since I was a child and had started out going to 5 swimming clubs then the sea cadets then the sea scouts. I then got a pool lifeguard certificate and worked in the local council swimming pool for a while. I heard about a beach lifeguard certificate and applied for that and did the course. Best summer of my life watching the beach all day and surfing making good friends with cool people. Then one day I saw this ship in the harbour. It was a massive tall ship called the Grand Turk, so I thought I would love to work on her, I saw the crew wandering about the deck dressed as pirates and I couldn\'t think of anything cooler than being them. So I walk onboard and pay my visitor ticket price. I looked about at all the stuff, cannons and rope and sails and anchors. Swords and rope and wood and rope everywhere. The ship had 9 miles of rope all hanging down at once from the rigging. I spoke to one of the crew, a guy who would become my best friend as it turned out. A guy who called himself \'LT\' I spoke to him and asked if I could volunteer on board and he told me I would have to see the captain who would be back later. So I came back about 6pm and asked to see the captain. He was a massive bull of a man, barrel chested and hands the size of plates. He used to be a former wrestler so a bit scary really. He said yes I could volunteer for no money while the ship was in harbour. So the next day I turned up 8am dressed in old jeans and a top and started painting. I painted the whole capping rail from bow to stern by myself in a few days jet black. The crew seemed to like me and when it was time for the ship to leave after about 7 days the captain asked me if I wanted to come across to Calais with them. Needless to say I couldn\'t shake his hand fast enough and soon I was sailing across the blue water high in the rigging of a 16th centaury frigate with 22 cannons below me. I started as a volunteer then they said I would get paid after about 3 weeks then I became rescue boat coxswain of the 50hp rib. I left after 3 years as we returned back to Ramsgate and the sight of my pretty harbour made me too sick for land. It was the best adventure of my life apart from when I sailed on the world\'s largest Brigantine but that\'s another story.
True tale of the sea by Adam Dark.
The last full time job I got was as a private one-on-one tutor for a company out of Southern California. I had seen the opening advertised on and it looked appealing to me. They were to pay approximately $30 an hour, the would let you make your own schedule, and all the materials you need would be shipped directly to you. So I gave it a try.
I called them and got their fax number so that I could send my transcripts and other information. They require proof of car insurance and that you have reliable transportation, which is the biggest negative about working for the company (it requires that you spend money on gas as well as time driving around). Additionally, they require a TB shot, so the first thing I had to do to complete everything was to get documentation that verified I was not contagious.
At Doctors on Duty, a nurse took a giant needle and shot it under the skin in my forearm. She told me she was implanting the mark of the devil, an RF chip with the identification 666, that she would be able to follow on her mobile tracking device (she said it was to figure out whether I deserved Christmas gifts at the end of the year or not). Then, to my surprise, she told me I had been a very bad boy and proceeded to edify me. I have bittersweet memories of that Doctors on Duty office.
Well, I faxed all the necessary paperwork to the tutoring office. Then, I set up an online account so that I could enter my own billing hours and payroll information. I received the materials and workbooks a few days later. I got everything ready. The last thing I needed to do was call the parents of the students that needed tutoring. It was fun speaking with them and they were happy to hear that I was on my way to help their son or daughter.
All in all, not that difficult. No in person interview. They hired me over the phone. I have never met anyone from the company in person and I was very happy with the company. I would recommend them to anyone considering a well paying, highly rewarding, low stress job that requires a little bit of traveling!
My picture can be found here: I don\'t any other way to include my picture.
My first full time job was at North Lake College working as an academic coach. I would never forget the job that made me felt like the little ambassador of the college. The job came to me as a surprise from my college instructor. What happened was I had the same history college instructor for five years because I made myself take her class again and again until I could ace her it. It took me five semesters to accomplish this. That was hard work because while taking her classes I was also taking other history classes from other instructors so that I can broaden my knowledge. United States was my passion and still is. I considered her class prestigious because in order for the students to receive an A letter grade from her, they have to earn at least a 93 average as the semester grade. On my last day of my last semester with her, she asked me if I could work for her. She would hire me as an academic coach for peer tutoring. I would be able to organize and conduct my own tutoring sessions, be her substitute teacher when she needed me to and keep her up to date on how her students are doing. I accepted the offer right away because history was my major and here was my once in the life time opportunity. This position would train me for my future as a teacher, I believed. I didn\'t need to go through interview or turn in any resume so that was a relief. If I had to have an interview I wouldn\'t know which experiences to talk about considering I have never worked before. The job came to me as a part time job but I took it like a real full time permanent employment. The reason was I felt that every student I tutored needed my personal attentions. College students had their own priorities and so I scheduled my tutoring sessions around their times so that almost every one of them would be able to attend my tutoring. My job involved working with people of all ages so earning acceptances and respects from the students were hard at time. I was only 20 years old when I taught women and men in their forties, critiquing their essays, and talking to them about their histories. Sometime I prayed that the students would not curse at me. In the worst of time, I kept my spirit up by telling myself to think of how much customer service experiences I was gaining from the job. One day my instructor confronted me about working extra hours which I was not supposed to do. I told her that I saw how scare the students were. I saw the same fear that I had to overcome when I took her class. Those were the reasons I gave her for why I worked extra hours. After much talk about why I should not work so many hours, my instructors gave in to my request for full time position. Can\'t you believe it? It was a miracle that I even got a job. When I was finally able to hold down the job, I found respect from my boss. I worked as an academic coach for three years and then I resigned so that I can move to Viet Nam with my husband. I felt that it was right for me to make a transition. I had ample of experiences to take the next levels in my life. When I came back to America, I was given my job back. I worked for two months then I was layoff because the school was short on budget and had to lay off all teacher assistants.
Kim Lam
I was unemployed in 2004 after not succeeding in a law firm setting. I applied for a position from my law school website for a company in the Detroit, MI area that wanted an ERISA attorney (at the time I was studying for a Master\'s in Health Care Law degree for Concord University Law School, an online law school located in Los Angeles, CA). A few weeks after I applied for the position, the vice president for benefit services called me up. There was no opening for an ERISA attorney, but there was an opening for an auditor in benefit services. Long story short; I got the job in benefit services. A year and a half later, my position was eliminated, but because I was hard working (still am), I was able to interview and earn my current position as a staff attorney in the same organization drafting qualified domestic relations orders for divorcing parties. The reason I obtained either of these positions was because I applied using my law school career services online information.
I was laid-off in 2007 with a company-wide reorganization that ended the jobs of over 120 of us. No longer with a job, I applied to a number of your job search sites that had postings that matched my skills. I have used a number of your site before such as Law-crossing and Legal Authority back right out of law school. The feedback that I received from two of the submission told me that I was not submittable because your company did not want to represent an unemployed candidate. The message went on to tell me how employers respond better to candidates that are still employed and are more likely to hire them. As you can imagine I was furious. It was not my choice to be unemployed and I did not feel like I should be cast aside because of a layoff. Since this time, I have no interest in using any of your services. I have requested many times to be taken off all your commercial emails.