job opportunities

Where to Find Government Jobs

When I say I’m excited about government jobs, I mean it. They're better than many other jobs this day and…

Education Jobs and Teacher Jobs

The field of education—including elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities—is a very exciting place to look for a job…

How to Network

Informal networks can make a massive difference in the quality of not only your job search but also your life.…

Job Opportunities Are Everywhere

In this article Harrison talks about how a positive mindset can help you succeed in your job. Harrison believes that…

10 Powerful Lessons from a Turkish Rug Trader

This article discusses the many possible approaches to your job search, and the necessity of selling yourself to potential employers.…

Always Interview on Fridays

Your mood is a major determinant of success in anything you do. You should never enter an interview or any…

Bears, Foster Homes, Resourcefulness, Love, and Endless Opportunity

In this article Harrison discusses how it is possible to find success, love and happiness in any situation. Different opportunities…